- 0
large mixing vessel using wrong casing
#445 opened by H2GamingTW - 8
Add recipes to REI
#444 opened by Martmists-GH - 1
Nbt data lost in irregular interval
#442 opened by Nebdir - 1
Crash upon loading into a world
#439 opened by H2GamingTW - 4
NullPointerException when Rendering Overlay due to Missing minecraft:water Registry Object
#438 opened by pen787 - 2
Greg tech ceu crashes when nuclear craft is present
#433 opened by Imadethisaccformodadvice - 1
(GTM_1.0.12f_1.19.2)The custom GTorevein previously created with kubejs is invalid in the new version
#432 opened by tsubfak13 - 8
ZPM components only work ordered, and the order in which they need to go in is random
#431 opened by screret - 2
A feature cycle was found
#430 opened by ChromaPIE - 1
Duplicated HSLA-Steel dust recipe (supposed to be watertightsteel)
#429 opened by Bosspc1234 - 2
Machine controller cover only seems to work with vanilla redstone signal
#425 opened by hgjensen - 1
Crash on load with create-1.20.1-0.5.1.e.jar installed
#423 opened by skybix - 3
KJS examples for adding machines, coils and multiblocks
#419 opened by lynxx131 - 0
Make steam machine work on a tag based system
#416 opened by Drackion - 6
EMI+JEI cannot work properly on 1.20.1-neoforge.
#415 opened by Arborsm - 1
Large Steam Boilers do not work correctly.
#414 opened by ccpemily - 2
[Fabric] [1.19.2] Adding CraftTweaker will generate endless logs.
#413 opened by adumbrali - 6
Crash on Fabric 1.20.1 - World Gen
#409 opened by Martmists-GH - 1
Fluid duplication with chemical reactor input slot
#408 opened by BullStevonie - 3
Fluid Solidifier slot order inverted
#399 opened by Leclowndu93150 - 2
After updating mining hammer is not working
#391 opened by adumbrali - 0
Add fluid capacity to fluid cells in item tooltip
#386 opened by Cattman423 - 1
Block changes direction when connecting directly to same other block???
#380 opened by 34486 - 2
Processing Arrays all stuck on gtceu.dummy machine mode
#378 opened by loving2 - 4
Remove making new TagPrefix in KubeJS
#377 opened by stanieldev - 0
Ultimate Battery cannot be crafted
#370 opened by loving2 - 0
Creative mode crash when trying to access GTCE Tabs
#367 opened by nekomaster - 0
High-Pressure Steam machines works at same speed as Low-Pressure
#366 opened by ccpemily - 5
Hotbar tranpsarent items 2 recipe issues
#365 opened by DragonMaster14545 - 0
Unable to recognize nuclear fusion reactor mk3 after snow
#364 opened by 1luik - 2
Plasma Large Turbine energy generation incorrect by factor of turbine efficiency
#363 opened by loving2 - 2
Fluid pipes cannot be correctly broke by wrenches when require GTCEu tool config is true.
#362 opened by ccpemily - 1
[ATM9 - 0.0.67] Crash when attempting to modify fluid pump cover module
#360 opened by Cattman423 - 6
NullPointerException when accessing MachineDefinition.asStack() in GTCreativeModeTabs
#358 opened by pen787 - 3
Shift-Click Items into Machines does not start the recipe
#357 opened by Raccoon2709 - 4
Hermetic Casing II; no recipe?
#356 opened by 34486 - 8
Gregtech 1.20.1 crashes on Quilt
#355 opened by whyareyoulookingatthis - 0
If a drum reaches zero air and gets filled with fluid its instantly full
#351 opened by Raccoon2709 - 0
When present concurrently with kubejs, it will result in dispatching CONSTRUCT.
#348 opened by Tki-sor - 1
GT 1.20 crashes on loading world
#347 opened by whyareyoulookingatthis - 1
Gregtech 5u-like Replicators and UU-matter
#346 opened by Praetorian6478 - 0
Ingredients that are not consumed in gtceu-modern recipes are displayed as consumed in the EMI recipe tree
#343 opened by Abbie5 - 0
Stack counts render above tooltips in EMI
#342 opened by Abbie5 - 0
Cannot favourite stacks/recipes in EMI
#341 opened by Abbie5 - 0
Overlay icon error
#338 opened by MBYL-InkAndSoul - 0
Drum's fluid can be duplicated
#337 opened by Krazyclrug - 0
Wires lose more power than expected.
#335 opened by BobVonBob - 0
Cherry and bamboo wood recipes haven't changed with harderWoodRecipes config turned on
#333 opened by JuiceyBeans - 0
Distinct buses button is replaced by circuit select button in input bus
#331 opened by isd-1 - 6
KJS Multiblocks cannot overclock
#330 opened by ursamina