- 1
#233 opened by xiphia - 4
Mod malfunction with IC2 when both installed
#229 opened by Man-Renge-Kyou - 1
[Question]How could I add blocks or items to config file using NBT tag?
#230 opened by ym1025 - 2
[Suggestion]Can you add ingame configuration and auto add other mods armor into config?
#231 opened by JamesChang20022 - 1
hi, I have some problems when playing this mod with IC2.
#232 opened by w123456w30w - 4
Green Gold Pendant適用時に単体の原木を破壊できない
#220 opened by SkyTheory - 1
#223 opened by K-ebisen - 2
#225 opened by K-ebisen - 3
several issues and bugs with the owl gauntlet
#227 opened by Pliosauroidea - 1
sudden position change placing the cushion
#228 opened by Pliosauroidea - 1
#172 opened by recrep - 2
being damaged but the heart doesn't show it
#171 opened by gatoborrachon - 2
[Suggestion] more customization in the "Anaerobic Underworld" config
#174 opened by gatoborrachon - 3
[Issue] many recipes for drinks doesn't show in JEI
#173 opened by gatoborrachon - 2
[Suggestion] Add compat with Rockhounding mod: Chemistry
#175 opened by gatoborrachon - 2
[Issue] How exactly you can sync HaC with Serene Seasons? + Error with the seasons
#176 opened by gatoborrachon - 1
[Suggestion] Could you add option to hide liquids that have no potion effect in "Fluid Information" tab?
#177 opened by Prunoideae - 4
[Issue] crash on startup with new version of Animania
#178 opened by gatoborrachon - 1
Recipe Exploit of Quartz and Quartz Dust
#179 opened by Prunoideae - 7
[Suggestion] add compat with SimpleDifficulty
#180 opened by gatoborrachon - 2
[Issue] Small issue with chairs
#181 opened by gatoborrachon - 8
[Suggestion] adding an option to make crops need sunlight mandatory and grow slowly
#182 opened by gatoborrachon - 1
Ticking Player Server Crash on Mod Update
#184 opened by ScottoMotto - 1
[Minor bug] Wrong oreDict names in Zinc Clump and Nickel Clump
#185 opened by gatoborrachon - 3
This mod seems to be incompatible with the Coffee Workshop mod now.
#186 opened by UberbeastX - 10
#187 opened by tetuis - 2
windmill generates more in TIGHT condition
#188 opened by Pliosauroidea - 2
missing texture for leaves blown by dynamite
#189 opened by Pliosauroidea - 4
Add percentage GUI offset
#190 opened - 6
[Minor Bugs] Missing Oxygen Translation Key & Bad Render of Thermal Entity Sensor
#191 opened by gatoborrachon - 3
less frequency process climate recipe is not working
#194 opened by delta-nos - 2
#195 opened by RedRayz - 1
My .minecraft directory is full of your blockstate files?
#199 opened by Bluberry-Kat - 1
minor bug for motor minecart
#198 opened by Pliosauroidea - 1
minor bug for creative drill
#200 opened by Pliosauroidea - 1
no recipe for chickInEgg in JEI
#201 opened by Pliosauroidea - 1
#202 opened by yagamian - 3
Cannot set EnableAdvancedMagic to false when EnableMagicModule is true
#203 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 2
[Suggestion] Allow players with Wing Blessing potion effect to hover in air
#204 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 1
Game crashes when a player with Exp Absorption effect kills many mobs
#206 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 2
HAC ore blocks override Twilight Forest Mod's boss spawner block
#207 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 3
Silver Compression Hoppers convert String Items into Cactus Boxes
#209 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 2
Player kicked by server: critical exception handling a packet on channel dcs_climate
#210 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 2
no texture change for grape growing on the ground&&wall.
#213 opened by Pliosauroidea - 1
Induction Motor Block- Not Compatiable with EnderIO/Mekanism conduits
#214 opened by RidemChu - 0
"セーブしないベッド"が表示されない "No Save Bed" not displayed
#215 opened by iceink001 - 1
Chemical Reactorでの加工時にスロットパネルの位置によってはアイテムが消失します
#216 opened by SkyTheory - 5
#217 opened by K-ebisen - 3
#218 opened by K-ebisen - 1
#219 opened by K-ebisen