- 2
[1.18.2] Sawblade have silk touch effect on leaves when chopping a tree
#5412 opened by Zahkriiven - 5
Golems dropping shaders.
#5413 opened by Panikking - 1
[Suggestion] config for railgun damage multiplier
#5414 opened by Snakich - 0
Error thrown by Pneumaticraft Drones when checking Villager trades
#5419 opened by BluSunrize - 2
Diesel generator has no sound
#5418 opened by chdominguez - 4
Diesel Generator runs without consuming Bio Diesel for version 1.18.2-8.2.2-154
#5434 opened by Prusselusken - 3
Villagers aren't generating trades properly
#5435 opened by belathus - 3
CraftTweaker 1.18.2 support not updated
#5420 opened by 435THz - 2
[1.19] Crates don't display the bundle tooltip in multiplayer
#5421 opened by Zahkriiven - 1
(video too) HV Transformer with Transformer doesn't work well with double LV wire connector block
#5423 opened by alex36917 - 1
[Suggestion] Add support for Quark inventory sorting and tranver
#5425 opened by ffuentesm - 1
1.19 Wires not rendering
#5424 opened by trechetican - 2
Immersive Engineering 1.19 Server Crash
#5426 opened by waddon1 - 2
[1.19.2] OptiFine + some shader causes texture anomalies.
#5427 opened by h-holon - 2
garden cloche does not accept mystical agriculture seeds
#5428 opened by minecrafterseppe - 0
Possible mistake in assets/immersiveengineering/manual/en_us/conveyors.txt
#5429 opened by KaosK - 1
[Suggestion] Add config option to change inventory size for storage crates
#5430 opened by damien5314 - 8
Problems with local server host
#5431 opened by Illuxel - 4
duping Multiblock structures (thermal wrench)
#5432 opened by jottafan - 1
Received empty payload on channel immersiveengineering:main
#5433 opened by GimmeAGoodUsername - 3
Could it be a Optifine crash???
#5446 opened by TheaRTGGaming - 1
invisible wire ImmersiveEngineering
#5447 opened by avnm322 - 1
#5071 doesn't work
#5436 opened by ElBowa - 1
Cardboard Boxes
#5438 opened by Thepigcat76 - 1
Tesla Coil
#5437 opened by CIockworkGhost - 0
Diesel generator noise and particles continue even if no power is being put out as long as it is not turned off manually
#5440 opened by Glugax - 1
Mystical Agriculture seeds not working
#5441 opened by Alfatossa - 2
Optifine mixins crash dev environments
#5442 opened by rlnt - 2
Equiping a drill loaded with any type of drill crashes when equiped
#5443 opened by remuluson2 - 3
Crash when i sift+click to created 'Railgun' pattern, to move it to inventory
#5444 opened by gisellevonbingen - 1
1.19.2 Game load crash.
#5445 opened by TheaRTGGaming - 0
[1.19.2] Crash in Forge server with supplementaries 1.19.2 2.2.3 mod
#5449 opened by NiNeDelixe - 2
Revolver modifiers from the Hammer and Barrel aren't applied.
#5452 opened by Darkally33 - 2
ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.2-9.0.0-153 crash
#5455 opened by sez76 - 2
Railgun shooting nowhere near the crosshair
#5458 opened by MrkWKD - 1
[Suggestion] JEI integration for all shader items
#5460 opened by Toastr125 - 2
Ammo/fuel is consumed in Creative Mode
#5461 opened by Toastr125 - 1
[Crash] Immersive Engineering comes up in a crash report when it wasnt even being used...
#5462 opened by Mowmaster - 3
[Suggestion] Control over item batcher output mode
#5463 opened by vanonian - 4
Kicked with IndexOutOfBoundsException
#5474 opened by Derkades - 1
IE crash with optifine HD U H9
#5467 opened by Nickana - 1
[1.18.2] Forge Server crashes on first launch with v154, fixed by installing v152 and then updating
#5468 opened by zacmanthedamned - 2
[Suggestion] CCT Compat: `getInputQueueElement()` instead of crashing the program, output `nil` or something else.
#5469 opened by TwistedGate - 0
[1.18.2] Diesel Generator runs infinite power supply with just initial fuel bucket
#5470 opened by IcedForge - 0
Redstone Probe on an Excavator reaches 0 signal strength before the mineral vein is fully depleted
#5472 opened by Darkally33 - 4
[1.19.2] Crash when loading and creating world
#5473 opened by ffuentesm - 3
Fermenter and Squeezer recipes not viewable in JEI with update to version 10.*
#5475 opened by DelviousCrafts - 1
1.19.2 Server Crashing with Registry Object not present: immersiveengineering:shader
#5476 opened by TobiDoes - 5
Crash: Invalid item: minecraft:air
#5477 opened by CrusaderRabbit - 2
[1.18.2+] add a way to register IBullets with a custom item, for more addon possibilities
#5478 opened by dkmk100