- 1
blue comet engine and train possible being made
#561 opened by Comet051091 - 1
possibly add these 2 logos the EBT logo for the NG goldola and the CNJ logo for std gauge hoppers
#560 opened by Comet051091 - 1
Railbed augment
#559 opened by qwryzu - 2
getSpeedRetarderSlowdown crash
#557 opened by Astewen - 1
Rail blueprint preview fully transparent under certain conditions
#556 opened by CelestiaTheDryad - 3
Concrete Ties
#554 opened by Astewen - 2
Occasionally encounter entity loading error results rolling stock disappear
#549 opened by lordfriend - 10
Crash on Startup
#548 opened by GreatCow - 2
ugly rail bed texure
#546 opened by Inonedn - 0
Xyvoracle's To-Do
#543 opened by Xyvoracle - 0
Milkypenguin's To-Do List
#542 opened by Milkypenguin - 0
TheGibster's Rolling Stock To-Do List
#541 opened by DerGibster - 0
Smarter animation code
#540 opened by SteampsonJake - 0
Cannot successfully exit a map while holding a train
#538 opened by HydrogenC - 4
Incorrect/Incomplete Switch track animation
#534 opened by VladTheEvilCat - 3
[BUG] Incorrect augment recycling (infinite casting basin supply)
#533 opened by ZippyCom - 8
Bad hash function?
#529 opened by hayesj1 - 3
cannot place tracks IR 1.5.0_1.12-402
#528 opened by ghost983 - 6
Crashing while loading models
#527 opened by RailroadBoikle - 1
Rails look short
#525 opened by ym1025 - 1
[1.5.0_1.12-402] Crashing when using an auto placer with track
#524 opened by GameBurrow - 2
Japanese Translation Update
#522 opened by gaojie429 - 6
MBBlueprintRender error
#521 opened by twenty41 - 0
Cant use texturepacks after version ImmersiveRailroading-1.3.3_1.12
#520 opened by Njet75 - 3
Bell Sound
#519 opened by CSX8600 - 0
Additional parts for internal combustion (and potentially electric) locomotives
#512 opened by WrongWeekend - 1
Add Force Switch item
#510 opened by hayesj1 - 8
Add a "OpenComputers" mode to the detector augment
#509 opened by LizzyTrickster - 1
Add slots in Locomotive GUI's for tools
#508 opened by Railroadactive - 3
Add signals and ATS
#507 opened by gaojie429 - 1
Does coupling check have some performance impact?
#506 opened by lordfriend - 0
Fix coupling sound bug
#504 opened by Railroadactive - 1
Increase distance lever can be placed away from switch
#503 opened by Railroadactive - 1
Allow Tracks to be placed on Scaffolding
#502 opened by Railroadactive - 1
Jacks for frames without wheels
#501 opened by DankLondon - 1
Rain passes through the locomotives
#499 opened - 2
Incorrect physics on slopes. Help allowed?
#498 opened by CelestiaTheDryad - 6
Some small improvement which can help in a survival server
#497 opened by lordfriend - 0
Add locomotive & Car Sway
#496 opened by Thomas4peyton - 1
Question about non-destructively implementing a user-made 1m track model
#492 opened by Electrostasy - 1
iconCache messes with other mods in JEI
#489 opened by hayesj1 - 4
More efficient sound management
#488 opened by RagingLightning - 0
Recipe File Names Swapped
#486 opened by hayesj1 - 8
Help please - can't edit inventories when in a train
#484 opened by Gilmania - 5
sound and overheating
#483 opened by quentfr21 - 1
Switch inconsistent redstone interaction
#482 opened by RagingLightning - 19
Problem with trains and track blueprints
#480 opened by xman877 - 3
Crash during profiling world from JER
#479 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 7
Allow Automation of Simple Track placement
#478 opened by hayesj1 - 0
[Suggestion] Train information documentation, electric locomotives, tickets, and automation!
#477 opened