- 4
Intermittent Double Advancements in discord
#55 opened by Mx772 - 3
User Avatars not loading consistently
#56 opened by Mx772 - 1
mc2discord incompatible with GeckoLib in 1.17.1 forge
#57 opened by TheRanker - 2
Discord Link command not working
#58 opened by SirDoof - 1
[1.18.1] Messages sent by "say" command in console doesn't get sent to discord.
#59 opened by Gbergz - 2
Color codes MC -> Discord
#60 opened by SirDoof - 2
[Timer-0/ERROR] [mc2discord/]: java.lang.NullPointerException
#61 opened by ModernGamingWorld - 2
Suggestion: Top Role Colour Variable
#63 opened by kaliflowerx3 - 10
[Suggestion] Any way to prevent color codes showing up as "§7" when translated to discord? (example attached).
#64 opened by Gbergz - 5
Crash when opening using the Singleplayer Integrated Server
#65 opened by scmcgowen - 2
Custom Emoji comptability
#66 opened by h4vok-git - 4
`top_role` color is black when top role has no color.
#67 opened by SwanX1 - 10
Null Pointer Exception
#69 opened by Valvify - 4
MC2Discord Not working mc -> discord
#70 opened by blacksythe - 2
Show errors and warnings in Discord log channel (configurable)
#71 opened by sprocketaudio - 2
- 2
Error Message - 1.16.5
#73 opened by Foxydapirate12 - 1
Issue sending or receiving messages in 1.12.2
#75 opened by sprocketaudio - 1
Discord > MC not working as intended. [1.19.2]
#74 opened by MoonstruckDev - 3
Format error response
#21 opened by Darkere - 6
Allow certain commands for regular players
#20 opened by Darkere - 2
Bot does not relay messages from other discord bots to in game.
#22 opened by Electrofried - 1
[1.14.4] Dedicated server crash on load - Failed to create mod instance
#24 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
[1.14.4] Spam from Bot w/ Sleeping Advancement
#25 opened by oitsjustjose - 4
Is there a way to mention people via MC to Discord and trigger mention in Discord?
#26 opened by fuzzyweapon - 1
IllegalStateException crash: Cannot get reference as it has already been Garbage Collected
#27 opened by Corosauce - 1
Console spam
#28 opened by Darkere - 1
[1.14.4] Language Provider Startup Crash on Forge 28.1.109
#29 opened by Clawthorn - 2
Handle Emojis
#30 opened by Darkere - 2
Don't display Invisible Advancements
#31 opened by Darkere - 2
[1.15.2] NPE on closing the server.
#32 opened by ProsperCraft - 12
[1.15.2 v1.1.3] Sometimes stops advancements/deaths from getting sent to in-game chat
#33 opened by shortybsd - 1
Move Server Started Message
#34 opened by Darkere - 1
Player Kill Message cut off.
#35 opened by Darkere - 5
Server Crash
#36 opened by IchigoGames - 6
this mod keeps server from stoping
#37 opened by IchigoGames - 4
Crash on Server stopped
#38 opened by Darkere - 1
[1.16.1] Error when bot logged in.
#42 opened by Gbergz - 1
Missed Heartbeats, large lag spike
#43 opened by Lughbaloo - 2
Unable to send from Game to Discord
#44 opened by shenniko - 5
ClassLoader Issue
#45 opened by LenTheNinja - 2
Handle emotes
#46 opened by malnormalulo - 3
Double messages in discord when webhooks for profile picture and name is turned to false
#47 opened by jinkhya - 1
Update to Minecraft 1.16.5
#48 opened by tjsd - 2
Players' messages are not sent to Discord when they are part of a /team with a prefix that has a space in it
#49 opened by Geforce132 - 1
Doesn't load skin from nick
#50 opened by Pleasant-exe - 4
incompatible modded server Red X After Updating to m2d 3.0.1 1.16.5
#51 opened by IchigoGames - 1
Server Crash Exception in server tick loop from minecraft2discord-forge-1.16.x-3.0.2
#52 opened by IchigoGames - 2
Custom usernames using Fakename mod have "§r" behind each name
#53 opened by ASlipperySlope - 4
Can't seem to use MC color codes in chat prefix configs
#54 opened by SargeRyong