- 1
Rotary Condenstrator is not working whatsoever
#8300 opened by AquosGold - 1
Network Protocol Error due to use of Evaporation Tower
#8303 opened by Gal1leoGal1le1 - 2
Mekanism digital miner radius limitation
#8301 opened by MalwriX - 15
View zooms in and out rapidly when in hazmat + radiated chunk + fire reduction item
#8302 opened by mberlin1 - 0
Trying to access unbound value: ResourceKey[minecraft:item / mekanism:configurator]
#8294 opened by Azturax - 0
Rotary Condensentrator causing server crash.
#8295 opened by zezik-k - 3
Rendering issue in transport pipes
#8299 opened by Hukunaa - 4
Transfering fluid from fluid tanks to Tinkers' Construct tools with tank modifier will cause serious fluid loss
#8312 opened by EtSH-C2H6S - 1
Mysterious Bug
#8304 opened by kienerxyzzy - 4
does not save pipe connections to reactors after restarting the world
#8305 opened by Llauma - 5
flamethrower with Oculus causes crash.
#8306 opened by pclance - 3
Uneven distribution
#8307 opened by sumato-baka - 2
Weird crash regarding the Logistical Transporter
#8313 opened by darthvader45 - 4
Custom packet using chemical stack opcional stream codec crashes with IndexOutOfBoundsException
#8308 opened by alec016 - 2
Insulation values changes in config file doesn't apply ingame.
#8309 opened by Blackalf14 - 3
gas generator
#8310 opened by degrod1488 - 1
Frequent crashes in 1.20.1
#8311 opened by hdbjsjbsj - 3
1.21.1 twilight forest and mekanism additions incompatibility
#8323 opened by KoRRuptionPrime - 2
basic universal cable
#8322 opened by iridium22 - 0
MASSIVE log spam from TileComponentChunkLoader
#8316 opened by pietro-lopes - 8
Universal cable bug
#8318 opened by xhaooy - 0
exception when loading plugin
#8319 opened by VaporeonScripts - 0
Fusion reactor stops on server even if in one chunk ONLY with D-T fuel
#8320 opened by QuentinClyy - 2
Breaks when other mods have strange food nutrition values
#8324 opened by judiraal - 1
Crash at opening the game
#8326 opened by Andreffamado - 2
Crash and dupe
#8327 opened by BazZziliuS - 0
Repeating error
#8331 opened by mezefiusz - 6
CanĀ“t digital mine amethyst tags
#8329 opened by w3ricardo - 1
Server Performance Drop when Using Electrolytic Breathing Unit in Water
#8330 opened by Kiko-Dev-Tech - 0
Flamethrower cause game crash
#8334 opened by Eurym3d0n - 3
Incompatiblity between Basic Fluid Tank and BucketLib
#8335 opened by PiotrO15 - 1
Game crashes when trying to go to previous menu
#8332 opened by mad0r0xx - 3
Reloading shaders breaks pipe connectivity
#8333 opened by oguh43 - 1
Cardboard Box Crashed Game When Picking Up Oritech Machine
#8340 opened by SatanicGodz - 14
Troubles with load
#8336 opened by An1Create - 3
Killing players in private territory
#8337 opened by BazZziliuS - 5
Quantum Entangleporter
#8338 opened by OrlandB204567 - 10
Connection problem with AE2
#8339 opened by FEIKE2 - 3
Mekanism Reactor Output Causes Chunk Crash (MC 1.21.1)
#8343 opened by leonary - 3
Power usage extremely high after factory upgraing until break and replaced
#8345 opened by Saereth - 3
Enabling Vision Enhancement Unit disables its mode switch key handling
#8352 opened by Auhrii - 2
Smelting Factory not working on a LAN/WAN Server
#8353 opened by ButterOcelot - 1
Crashes on dedicated servers
#8354 opened by jwright159 - 1
#8349 opened by g3forcemc - 4
Use buggy NeoForge
#8350 opened by uhloin - 4
Crash when placing Logistical Transporter
#8355 opened by Techtronik - 3
Chemical Upgrades Not working in Injection chamber/factory & energy upgrades don't work in separator (1.20.1)
#8357 opened by litjohn50 - 7
Products do not move along conveyors.
#8358 opened by Internativ - 1
Doesn't recognize current mod version
#8359 opened by Ru6yX - 4
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Do not call getCapability on an invalid cache or from the invalidation listener!
#8361 opened by ZwiebelTVDE