- 19
Plane AP
#1418 opened by UTrosh - 2
[BUG] Electric motors don't work very well with default fuel quantities.
#1415 opened by boot2big - 3
[Enhancement] propeller_rpm variables
#1417 opened by Ilya-torshov - 4
[Enhancement] starterHoldTime: ##
#1416 opened by Ilya-torshov - 34
The game fails to launch.
#1402 opened by Ironnoob73 - 5
Players sometimes don't stay in their seats on other clients in multiplayer when loading from data.
#1403 opened by UTrosh - 3
[BUG] Viewing a repair recipe and switching to an item that doesn't have an existing repair recipe will cause MTS to crash.
#1404 opened by boot2big - 4
Helicopter kills me
#1405 opened by HeavyTankr - 11
Vehicles in multiplayer make players shake while on them.
#1408 opened by UTrosh - 6
[BUG] fireDelay and windupTime work together incorrectly on vehicles.
#1407 opened by Wartich - 7
[Enhancement] Support for sequenced particles.
#1411 opened by dldev32 - 6
Parts cannot initiate connections
#1410 opened by DrprofLuigi - 1
forwardsDamage doesnt forward damage
#1412 opened by HashimIsaPotato - 1
[Bug] shift+right click on a vehicle with a wrench no longer brings up the text editing field
#1413 opened by LauraDarkez - 6
The game fails to launch
#1414 opened by LasthopeBR - 1
[BUG?] Something's messed up a-gooden with the LCs regarding the `fuelpump_purchased` variable.
#1419 opened by boot2big - 3
subParts on parts placed on the Ground have issues being placed and removed.
#1421 opened by DrprofLuigi - 2
[BUG] You can lock wheels, and presumably any parts that aren't seats or interactable.
#1422 opened by boot2big - 1
#1424 opened by Elephant1214 - 1
[Bug] partScale doesnt seem to take effect immediately in sense of hitboxes upon placement of a vehicle or part into the slot
#1429 opened by LauraDarkez - 6
[BUG] Game crashes whenever I open gun-bench
#1425 opened by InstSnipe - 4
Rotation Bug on destroying and placing
#1426 opened by DrKevin111 - 4
[BUG] Handheld guns still have a chance of force-loading more ammo into themselves even when full.
#1427 opened by boot2big - 1
[Bug] Vehicles with front wheels near 0 no longer count them as front wheels
#1428 opened by LauraDarkez - 1
[Bug] Added parts on vehicles removed when failing to place
#1436 opened by DrKevin111 - 4
[Enhancement] No Variable Exists for if a part is placed on ground/not placed in a part slot
#1437 opened by LauraDarkez - 3
[BUG] engine Creative detection runs off the last person to get in a seat, not off the controller seat
#1431 opened by LauraDarkez - 3
[BUG] Missiles track players inside the vehicle that is firing it
#1432 opened by LauraDarkez - 4
[BUG/OS] Every item/block in the core mod "pack" is free.
#1433 opened by boot2big - 1
[Bug] blimps stay locked at their altitude when health is 0. they should sink
#1434 opened by LauraDarkez - 1
[Bug] All sounds plays at any distance.
#1435 opened by Wartich - 3
[BUG] Jerrycans allow you to add any fluids to any engine, MTS/IV has no idea what to do when an engine with the wrong fluid starts and causess the game to crash.
#1451 opened by BOTFerris - 5
[Enhancement] variable that detects when innerWindows is true/false in the config rendering screen
#1438 opened by LauraDarkez - 1
Intractable_barrel becomes unusable if set below 10.000mb capacity
#1439 opened by SnailPerson - 9
[Enhancement] handHeldHandOffset: [X.x,Y.y,Z.z]
#1440 opened by LauraDarkez - 1
[Enhancement] Potion effects when camera is active
#1441 opened by HashimIsaPotato - 1
[BUG] defaultParts don't seem to work on handheld guns.
#1442 opened by boot2big - 1
[Bug] Cannot add any engine to waywardcraft planes.
#1443 opened by ziegmaan - 3
[BUG] Blank/missing description entries still result in a description entry being written, just an empty one.
#1444 opened by boot2big - 1
turret_yawing Variable not work properly as they should after vehicle is move from its spawn point
#1445 opened by Naxgeneral - 3
[BUG] Weapon cooldown doesn't behave correctly (I think)
#1447 opened by boot2big - 1
Item unloader crashes game when placing hopper under it
#1448 opened by SnailPerson - 1
[Enhancement] Possibility to change mouse sensitivity while in camera
#1450 opened by Wartich - 2
[Enhancement] Configurable bullet timeout
#1449 opened by Wartich - 1
Missing-texture-break particle bug
#1452 opened by SnailPerson - 1
#1453 opened by SnailPerson - 1
[Bug] Translucency and Visibility broken
#1455 opened by LauraDarkez - 4
Unable to edit text on vehicles
#1457 opened by RealAaeroO - 5
[BUG] .json format item models do not support non-square (but Po2 respectful) textures
#1458 opened by boot2big - 4
[BUG/ENHANCEMENT?] Handheld gun animations do not seem to account for left-handedness.
#1459 opened by boot2big