- 5
[Suggestion] Spawn point setting
#4 opened - 1
Indlu should support OreDict
#5 opened by skyjay1 - 8
#6 opened by trestmen - 6
Experience "resets" until updated
#7 opened by lclc98 - 9
Major Issue - All the recipes are messed up with Nomadic
#8 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
[Feature Suggestion] Use Minecraft Schematics to populate interior
#9 opened by khionu - 4
Tent given Id on create not use
#10 opened by khionu - 0
What to do if you lose your tent
#11 opened by skyjay1 - 0
[Suggestion] Tent-flaps
#12 opened by skyjay1 - 2
[Request] More tent types
#13 opened by skyjay1 - 1
Players can't see each other. Bug.
#14 opened by ethanccss - 2
Ender Pearl in the tents
#15 opened by Shostraw - 2
Day resets when sleeping in tent
#16 opened by androshalforc - 1
Nether and Aether portals won't ignite in Tent dimension
#17 opened by JaceSilverwave - 1
traveling through doorway blocks level.
#18 opened by androshalforc - 0
Suggestions on Setup/Teardown
#20 opened by shawndream - 0
Immersive (re)Building Suggestion
#21 opened by shawndream - 5
ItemColors crash and potential mod conflict
#19 opened by afolk2 - 2
Can't push entities into tent
#22 opened by afolk2 - 5
Lan world, player can't log in after logging out in a Large Yurt
#23 opened by afolk2 - 6
feature request: size configs
#25 opened by eausterberry - 2
[1.14.4 + Server] Crash on startup
#24 opened by Wynadorn - 1
1.14.4 server issue
#27 opened by Shadow3641 - 5
Tent & dirt mis-aligned
#26 opened by pip69 - 8
Day skips w/o sleeping in tent
#28 opened by FluffiKiki - 12
[1.14.4] Sidedness issue when run on a dedicated server- Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/renderer/color/ItemColors for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER
#29 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
[1.14.4] Crash with server
#30 opened by ImAK9 - 1
No Config being generated.
#31 opened by Gunzoffire - 2
Depth upgrade doesnt work?
#32 opened by TehFoxFire - 1
Suggestion: Size Realism (with Config Option)
#33 opened by Exsolutus - 1
Config to toggle Tent Features
#34 opened by skyjay1 - 5
spawning outside the tent when it first generates
#35 opened by gravysamich - 2
[1.12.2] Random server crash: "Exception initializing level"
#2 opened by TheShelterProject - 1
[1.12.2] Items show up in every creative menu
#3 opened by SeriousCreeper