- 1
"Ticking Player" crash on loading world as Arachnid
#433 opened by foul-fortune-feline - 0
Future Request: Add fireballs to blazeborn
#428 opened by Brandonbr1 - 0
Future Request: Add fireballs to Blazeborn
#429 opened by Brandonbr1 - 1
[Solved] Elytrian Daredevil Origin Stops Working
#430 opened by SoulsOfWolves - 0
[Game Breaking Bug] Invincibility Glitch
#431 opened by Lemmskii - 2
Origins destroys Single Player in any modpack
#432 opened by itsdinkd - 0
Game crashes when I put in the origins mod
#437 opened by rotigod - 0
Mod detection issue
#434 opened by renegade2k82 - 2
Enderian not taking water damage.
#435 opened by evee-exe - 3
Game crash upon loading latest version (1.1.0)
#436 opened by ChessMaster2004 - 2
Can't get 1.17.1?
#438 opened by consumerleek - 1
Crash when using invulnerability
#439 opened by SnaveSutit - 1
Fae size bug
#440 opened by Gullgi - 1
Error reading data field at upgrades: Origin upgrade JSON requires "condition" string and "origin" string.
#388 opened by WeePhix - 2
Using an orb of origin as a shulk into a shulk will clear shulk inventory
#389 opened by kotx - 1
Origins acting weird to missing origin IDs and Replace don't working on the first go
#390 opened by JustCyra - 0
World corrupting
#391 opened by JustCyra - 0
Origin selection screen doesn't appear if online-mode is false in
#393 opened by AxolotlAccount - 1
Origins incompatible with ecotones mod
#392 opened by asb43 - 1
Water Protection Enchantment Very Underpowered
#395 opened by AlySapphire - 6
Connection Lost: Invalid Player Data
#397 opened by seraphean - 2
Cannot Join Server "requires origins 0.7.3 or above"
#398 opened by AirDaggerfa11 - 3
Cant join server because of "connection lost"
#399 opened by NCboi - 3
BetterEnd Elytras do not work when Origins is installed
#396 opened by BEMZ01 - 0
Undead do not burn in deserts when the weather is rain or thunder, but the Phantom origin does
#401 opened by Dual-Iron - 2
Lack of compitability with TimeWind mod.
#402 opened by TheSunIsADeadlyLaser - 0
Is there a reason experience points can only be added by powers, but not subtracted?
#403 opened by Darkmega18 - 7
Invalid Player Data
#409 opened by deftesthawk - 2
Elytrian can equip heavy armour when right clicking it to replace a piece of armour already equipped.
#410 opened by Mnky313 - 1
"could not be synced because server networking isn't set up yet."
#404 opened by ProfessorPeely - 0
Underwater vision does not work with shaders
#405 opened by AsyncBanana - 0
Having to pick my origins again.
#406 opened by Xiongllor - 2
Merling Aqua Affininty
#407 opened by Konoyuu13 - 2
[Enhancement] Phantoms have no way to crouch in phantom mode without falling through blocks
#408 opened by Dual-Iron - 2
Elytrian Elytra Not Working When Teleporting Between Dimensions
#411 opened by pluto7073 - 1
Cannot open game for some reason
#412 opened by irmilla2006 - 0
Phantom bug on World start
#413 opened - 3
"replace" in origin_layers JSON not working for base "origin" layer
#415 opened by HatTrkPatrk - 5
elytra trinket not working in 1.17
#416 opened by xelye - 1
Origins 1.17.1 does not work with optifabric
#414 opened by ewRetro - 1
SMP problem with origins
#418 opened by LittKingLoser - 7
Found Invalid Player Data Fix
#417 opened by SHXRKIEgg - 3
Internal Server Error
#419 opened by catemiko - 7
Cannot enter portals without disconnecting the player in dedicated server environments
#420 opened by Alkiasan - 0
1.17 server.
#422 opened by axxxzy - 1
#423 opened by omerkopelman - 3
Cannot connect to server, “requires version 1.0.3 of origins”
#424 opened by Creaminator - 2
Origins Crash Report
#425 opened by DiabloDrake - 3
Better End Elytra and Elytra Trinket not working
#426 opened by Yan3156 - 2
Invalid Player Data On First Load
#427 opened by ChrisLTheNerd