- 2
Client Crash Using Powah and Forge 34.1.27+
#119 opened by Darkosto - 0
[Suggestion] Adding forge tags for the different tiered items
#120 opened by merlerm - 2
Powah failing to load correctly
#121 opened by picanteviento - 3
Another Crash Issue: Glow Particle
#122 opened by picanteviento - 2
Feature Request: Add Computer Craft (Tweaked) Support
#123 opened by UnhappyCodings - 2
[1.16.3+] Impossible to disable worldgen
#124 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
Configs for thermo_gen and magmator are mixed up.
#126 opened by UncleClapton - 1
Forge tags for raw uraninite
#127 opened by mkaito - 3
Excessive cable network size issues
#128 opened by sfPlayer1 - 0
Powah's dry ice and uraninite ores configuredfeatures should be registered
#129 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 1
Server Bug, Ender device channels all the same.
#130 opened by KindarConrath - 0
Ender Cell/Ender Gate channel missmatch
#131 opened by KindarConrath - 0
Solar Panel has wrong time
#132 opened by monkeyzone456 - 4
Dimensional power transmission not working
#133 opened by Zelif - 0
Navigating through the power cable recipes in the wiki book crashes to desktop
#134 opened by KySoto - 1
Powah may stop Integrated Dynamics (Integrated Series) to work and crash the game instead
#135 opened by Knito58 - 0
Energising rod beam doesn't appear when directly over orb
#136 opened by uecasm - 2
After server restarts need to break and place ender cell for it to start drawing power from connected mekanism cable/gen
#139 opened by onlyamonth - 0
Solar Panels Working Under Blocks
#141 opened by ChrisLTheNerd - 0
Suggestion: uranium compatibility
#142 opened by MJRamon - 2
[1.16.5] JEI Energizing Rod Recipes are inaccurate
#143 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Is it possible to make solar panels transfer power across other panels?
#145 opened by ausberg - 1
[Suggestion] Make Reactors Consume Coolant
#146 opened by MuteTiefling - 1
Mod loading error has occurred message on game launch
#150 opened by kristopherpie-code - 1
Thermo Generator typo
#157 opened by EimantasRamonas - 16
Ender Cells Void inserted cells on Server Restart
#158 opened by V2LenKagamine - 2
[Balancing] Reactors Build Cost.
#159 opened by TheLewtz - 2
Used cables don't stack with unused cables
#162 opened - 2
Ender Cells lose all power storage added
#164 opened by heyimdownhere - 4
Player Transmitter + Dimensional Binding Card doesn't work at all past chunk
#166 opened by zandrro - 0
Sorting Inventory when holding stacked unstackable items causes overflowing items to vanish
#167 opened by AwesmePersn - 1
Crash Game
#168 opened by harmalom - 3
Energy Cables' large NBT data causes Badly Compressed Packet error from Server
#169 opened by ChristopherHoffman - 2
Feature Request: Disable specific generators
#170 opened by UnseenAcademical - 0
Energy cells can be waterlogged
#171 opened by ochotonida - 2
Mekanism Universal Cables can pull more than a generator's extraction Limit
#172 opened by MuteTiefling - 0
uraninite_raw_from_dense and uraninite_raw_dense_to_poor conflict
#173 opened by aaronhowser1 - 2
[1.16.5] Crash when placing a Powah Energy Cable ontop of @Pipez Energy Pipes w/ Energizing Rods ontop.
#174 opened by Gbergz - 1
[Suggestion] For Automation Using Refined Storage
#175 opened by anomalousmc - 0
Crashing Issue
#176 opened by thelapisfox - 3
Server Crashes as it is un-able to find the lollipop library.
#177 opened by sarisman84 - 4
No documentation
#178 opened by andreas-hartmann - 0
#179 opened by GalaxyGamerYT - 1
[1.16.5] Lens of the ender creation only works if player holds over 1 Photoelectric Pane
#180 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
No solar generation in rftools dimensions permanent day dims
#182 opened by EmilyV99 - 0
Can cable not connect to themselves request
#183 opened by Pultex - 1
Mined cables don't stack with cables already in inventory when an active battery is charging inventory
#184 opened by Random832 - 0
Infinity Drill(Industrial Foregoing) can dupe Player Transmitter
#185 opened by MojangPlsFix - 0
CraftTweaker support?
#186 opened by vizthex123 - 1
Reactor blocks do not properly render underwater.
#187 opened by Flanks255