- 1
#400 opened by Slither88 - 4
Inventory Count is Doubled even if storage container only has one Connection
#399 opened by Morabert - 5
ATM 7 Crash
#388 opened by SavageReality - 0
Specific Potions Using Network Exchange Interface
#389 opened by Ocraftyone - 1
can i reprint?
#390 opened by lkqyyds - 0
Storage request table voiding items when broken (1.4.1)
#391 opened by Gerdathlete - 1
Not able to craft Advanced Storage Remote?
#392 opened by WesBtrippin - 1
Pixelmon TM Issue
#393 opened by smallerYeet - 22
Network Collector Remote voids items if not in system already
#394 opened by TipsyBeveridge - 1
Crash When Items Are Transmitting
#395 opened by TheMythcaller - 0
Export cables ignore priorities, distribute equally instead.
#396 opened by Octofoxy - 0
Crashing when using storage request table 1.16.5
#397 opened by TakoDile - 1
Storage Request Table gui closes itself when connected to an EnderStorage chest.... but with a twist
#398 opened by Xetaxheb - 2
Remote stops working after I move away from network root.
#401 opened by ForgetfulGH - 1
Suggestion: Storage Import Cable can extract items from Player Chest of Extra Utilities 2.
#350 opened by Phoupraw - 1
import cable not working
#351 opened by Fazzbear21 - 3
[Suggestion] Forge Multipart support
#352 opened by Monniasza - 2
Import/Export Cables GUI access
#353 opened by EnderGrimm1 - 2
Storage request table not working/working without the crafting table
#354 opened by JustaMikie - 2
Large Inventory Lagg
#356 opened by carlosamegos - 4
"Exception in server tick loop" when placing Storage Network Root
#355 opened by Deo3560 - 1
Suggestion; make the inventory gui scalable/larger
#357 opened by beegchangoose - 1
1.12 bauble support
#359 opened by The-Person02 - 1
Issues when exporting items from Network.
#360 opened by Jerome226 - 0
Tooltip search is lagging
#361 opened by j-n7 - 0
Server Crash When using red remote
#362 opened by GitlabIsBetterWhyUsingThisShitOMG - 0
NPE crash when connecting to AE Storage Bus
#363 opened by Relvl - 2
Remote is not working after going 100-200 blocks away from the network or another dimension
#364 opened by CalualaMic - 0
The gui of Storage Inventory
#365 opened by GoldenTotem - 0
Item transferring from one system to another
#366 opened by Cyberk999 - 0
Advanced Storage Remote without crafting grid
#367 opened by Aleftal-null - 1
Priorities when mixing Simple Cables and Storage Link Cables
#369 opened by replicaJunction - 1
Would you please add the advanced storage remote to 1.16.5?
#370 opened by Mrturtle213 - 2
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
#368 opened by guipleys20 - 0
Storage remote stopped working / possibly wrong coordinates for master
#371 opened by gingasouls - 2
Incompatibility with FastWorkbench
#372 opened by Merthew - 0
[Server] [1.16.5] Network builder remote crash server
#373 opened by LotuxPunk - 0
License listed on CurseForge is incorrect.
#374 opened by MoleMad - 0
Network exchange point causes crash when link cable is connected
#375 opened by blackknight36 - 1
Remote not working
#376 opened by Hautzii - 1
Mobs stutter when I connect my Network to any kind of large chest system.
#377 opened by Jackster23a - 0
Cables capable of seeing into cable inventories, and then prioritising those rather than other inventories
#378 opened by PyroBurnem - 1
Removing items from network causes strange rendering behaviour (players turn invis, tile entities turn invis, and more)
#379 opened by iiiNook - 2
The crafting remote doesn't work if you are too far away from it
#381 opened by Watchout4snakes - 0
Problem with Advanced Storage Remote and The Twitling Forest dimension
#382 opened by aleclux - 0
Packager Supplied by Processing Cable doesn't craft items
#383 opened by innesm - 2
Incompatibility with Advanced Tools when searching in Crafting Remote
#384 opened by Knito58 - 0
Destroy export cable void upgrade inside
#385 opened by Pinguin34 - 3
Crafting Remote and Remote not consuming right click.
#386 opened by mactso - 0
Storage Request Table deletes items in multiplayer
#387 opened by ErdrickXLII