- 1
Brushes in sky where no blocks are
#1941 opened by josephjthomas - 2
Superpickaxe doesn't drop chest items
#1924 opened by josephjthomas - 3
DeepCode AI found potential high risk vulnerability
#1925 opened by Strahilchu - 0
Migrate away from finalize()
#1927 opened by octylFractal - 6
Bundle Mojang mapped adapters as output jar
#1929 opened by NotMyFault - 3
//asc not working on slabs and stairs
#1931 opened by josephjthomas - 0
Missing tab completion on hand argument
#1932 opened by josephjthomas - 1
Selection bug with item frames and paintings
#1933 opened by josephjthomas - 12
Manipulating region spawns duplicate items/blocks
#1934 opened by Bloodlex - 1
Regen command failed
#1936 opened by Luminous-Journey - 2
1.18 Update Notes
#1937 opened by octylFractal - 1
Move to JB annotations
#1938 opened by octylFractal - 4
Not working with Towny and Worldguard
#1940 opened by LcyDev - 1
Cannot set Pos 1 at all.
#1903 opened by nightdroideka - 3
Publish releases to GitHub
#1896 opened by TwoLeggedCat - 0
Error with //regen command
#1897 opened by JuanJSAR - 3
Post 2 in gamemode spectator
#1898 opened by josephjthomas - 6
WorldEdit prevents SpongeForge 1.16.5 from loading
#1899 opened by reiyooki - 3
Move javadocs in one directory
#1902 opened by josephjthomas - 4
Curseforge does NOT recognize WE as a Fabric Mod.
#1913 opened by StevenG5 - 1
//regen showing jar error
#1904 opened by AwesomeFinster09 - 1
//copy //stack not proper directions, connections and items
#1905 opened by Winpooh498 - 2
Hoppers stop working if you replace hoppers using //stack
#1906 opened by Mario-Radinovic - 1
Exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError using //regen
#1907 opened by BenjaminGoGurts - 6
An unexpected error while handling a WorldEdit command
#1908 opened by ErythroCraft - 1
Unable to use //regen in 1.17.1
#1910 opened by Luminous-Journey - 15
Problems with dynmap
#1912 opened by ErythroCraft - 1
An intermediate between //stack and //move
#1922 opened by JoakimThorsen - 5
//regen not in overworld fails
#1923 opened by octylFractal - 12
Locate .archive-unpack in /tmp/ (or equivalent on non-Linux)
#1915 opened by SlimeDog - 3
/reload makes all commands disappear
#1916 opened by Kaleidio - 8
Pos1/Pos2/Chunk do not respect world height settings on 1.17.1
#1917 opened by BenCat07 - 1
1.18 snapshot pls!
#1918 opened by DiePutin3782 - 3
Deepslate blocks remains unchanged with worldedit commands.
#1919 opened by SysGh-st - 7
API for pasting schematics seems to be laggy
#1921 opened by JHarris12345 - 1
Show warnings when the operation is too big
#1944 opened by Toshimichi0915 - 4
BlockType.getState() fails to obtain BlockState for Rail blocks.
#1945 opened by Charlweed - 1
Mods for Minecraft 1.17.x require additional changes for compatibility
#1946 opened by smmmadden - 1
Add JApiCmp for binary compat checking
#1948 opened by octylFractal - 0
Invalid tree types make exception
#1949 opened by josephjthomas - 2
Can't add more vertices to convex region after creating a line of vertices.
#1950 opened by Zephy1 - 3
//setbiome not working 1.16.5
#1951 opened by skicek - 0
Support for bukkit 1.18 Release Candidate 3
#1952 opened by ErythroCraft - 0
Worldedit dos not work with paper 1.18
#1953 opened by wegGehamstert - 0
Worldedit 1.18!
#1954 opened by MrDragosa - 3
When using convex selection, visualizer stays even after selecting something else
#2312 opened by ZephyrysBaum - 2
CLI can't open schematic
#1892 opened by josephjthomas - 3
//regen dosen't work
#1893 opened by halberfan - 2
CuresForge Fabric 0.11.6 Says WorldEdit Is Incompatible
#1894 opened by NotMinecraftManiac - 11
Unable to use JavaAdapter in CraftScripts
#1895 opened by Snownee