- 1
[Crash]: Game close after teleporting with waystone since last update + hotfix
#1518 opened by Nonen7 - 1
[Bug]: Cable Tiers importers not accepting stack upgrades
#1516 opened by lolo528491 - 1
ATM9 randomly crashing while initializing the world
#1489 opened by trykio1 - 5
[Bug]: Modular Router doesnt work
#1492 opened by akama-aka - 1
I need help please
#1494 opened by trykio1 - 4
#1495 opened by Musteer - 5
ATM9 Loading [Crash]:
#1496 opened by WB1130 - 2
[Crash]: Worldgen crash
#1497 opened by alessiorapisarda - 4
[Bug]: AE Search
#1498 opened by DarkGeoSword - 1
[Quests issues]: Useful Commands
#1499 opened by Hxllandz - 2
Server files 0.2.52 missing
#1500 opened by Unreal-Technologies - 1
[Bug]: Immersive engineering gun turrets have no GUI
#1502 opened by AndritaLucianGabriel - 1
[Bug]: duplication bee upgrade
#1501 opened by lylian007 - 1
[Bug]: Inventory Sorting needs to be disabled on RS Crafter Manager window
#1503 opened by VorpalLemur - 1
[Bug]: The tag forge:cheeses is empty so you can't craft anything that requires cheese
#1504 opened by RippAlex - 10
[Crash/Quests]: Picking up a crafting table triggers a loop of quests
#1505 opened by Blazingi - 4
[Bug]: Sophisticated Storage Controller randomly refuses to link to chests and barrels
#1506 opened by FoxtrotUniformRomeoYankee - 2
[Quests issues]: Ars nouveau
#1507 opened by jelliedpanda - 1
[Bug]: Chunk Destroyer enchanted with Boon of the Earth
#1509 opened by Kami-no-Shi - 2
[Crash]: Railcraft creosote oil causing a crash
#1510 opened by fasttrak48 - 4
[Suggestion] Blacklist AE2 facades from JEI
#1511 opened by Peri-42 - 4
[Crash]: Dispenser dropping Traveler's Backpack causing server to crash
#1512 opened by NavajoCody - 2
[Quests issues]: Exploration Ad Astra is titled "Blood Magic"
#1515 opened by AlienXAXS - 0
[Bug]: Certain combination on ender chest from mod EnderChests has infinite clay?
#1513 opened by Gooble-Gobbble - 4
[Bug]: Server apotheosis axe config issue
#1514 opened by Xtrullor - 1
#1549 opened by beejayceejay - 1
[Bug]: Powah Uraninite Ore not crushed in Macerators.
#1545 opened by raupi11 - 0
[Bug]: robust star recipe issue
#1546 opened by moigosa - 1
[Crash]: Placing a Gregtech tool inside the AE2 smithing table encoding terminal causes crash
#1548 opened by eziur - 0
[Bug]: Certus Quartz Block and Fluix Block Dupe
#1519 opened by Aquamatik - 0
[Bug]: Wearing dragon head causes insane fps drop and stutters after 30 seconds
#1520 opened by Th3EvilGod - 1
[Crash]: 0.2.53 - Crashing on startup, exit code -805306369
#1521 opened by freeman7946 - 0
Supplementaries Quills Void Main Hand when Opened in Offhand and Duplicates Map
#1522 opened by desagas - 0
Liquid Oil is not properly unified
#1524 opened by TheLastPaladin - 3
Refined Storage system not working Cross Dimensionally
#1523 opened by VocaFabulas - 1
[Bug]: Iron Spells' apotheosis gems errored
#1525 opened by Sylvaerin - 4
[Crash]: FTB Quests crashing server on crafting upgrade for sophisticated backpacks
#1526 opened by violetkitty87 - 2
[Bug]: Iesnium Comb doesn't have Centrifuge recipes
#1528 opened by pPkMnh4to8994h - 0
[Bug]: offline user's chunk causes delay
#1529 opened by jennLumm - 1
[Bug]: Using the external storage from Refined Storage on a chest with stack upgrades allows for crazy duping.
#1530 opened by NeoTheJackal - 1
[Crash]: Ad Astra: Oxygen Loader crashes world
#1532 opened by jadedfoxo - 1
[Bug]: Evilcraft: The Broom is not craftable
#1531 opened by Missterica - 3
[Crash]: Chunks not loading then crash
#1533 opened by DenisKoether - 1
[Bug]: Eternal water block from Evil craft turns to ice when in an oxygenated space in an Ad Astra space station
#1534 opened by Pelkenator - 1
[Bug]: Apotheosis affixes not applying correctly
#1536 opened by Xynrati - 1
[Crash]: with the tombstone corail mod
#1537 opened by XDJLionZ265X - 3
Server doesn't start anymore
#1538 opened by qawasx - 0
[Bug]: Enchantment + Apotheosis Gem dupe using Mahou Tsukai
#1539 opened by Ulver04 - 0
[Bug]: Create crushing wheel not using the proper recipes for silk touched ore
#1542 opened by JTormenta - 2
[Crash]: The structural compass caused the server to crash
#1544 opened by KNaiFen