Create+ [Forge]

Create+ [Forge]


This is a large-ish size modpack that is focused on The Create Mod with a few extra features, QOL, and vanilla enhancements. There are also some addons to Create such as Create crafts and additions and Create big cannons. Some of the bigger mods in this pack are Tetra, Sophisticated Backpacks, Quark, Supplementaries, and of course, Create.

Thanks for 50,000 downloads!


  • Have an AMD GPU, and maybe experiencing lag? Switch your flywheel backend to batching to improve performance. You can do this by changing the config or running the /flywheel backend batching command. Warning: you will probably get worse performance instead if you do this and you don't have an AMD GPU.

  • Maybe you were wondering were 1.19 was? Don't worry, I will try to make a 1.19 version as soon as I can, but right now important mods like tetra still haven't updated, and I don't want to corrupt your world!
  •  The mod pack tends to get more updates when I am using it. That doesn’t mean that you won’t get any updates at all while I’m finishing my Calamity playthrough, it just means you will get them less often.
  • Remember, you can suggest any datapacks, mods, or anything else in the comments. Also tell me any problems you have there too.


Custom content:

Right now there are only more recipes, but hopefully there will be more eventually (edit: I'm learing how to mod!). All recipes are available separately as a datapack I made here. The current recipes are:

Recipe #1: Renewable netherrack. - Haunt cobblestone to get netherrack.(Don't worry, blackstone is still renewable, the only difference is that it only can use cobbled deepslate instead of allowing cobblestone and deepslate.)

Recipe #2: Renewable deepslate. - Compacting 2 cobble and 1 flint together creates cobbled deepslate.

Recipe #3: Berry good compat - Milling or crushing sweet berries has a 75% chance to give you another berry pip.

Recipe #4: Sequenced assembly for shafts - gives you 5 shafts per andesite alloy instead of 4, with a 33% chance to give you more. requires andesite alloy to be pressed, cut with a saw, and then pressed again.

Recipe #5: Sequenced assembly for cogs - andesite alloy has to get deployed with any planks twice, then cut with a saw, and then has to loop through that one more time. Gives 6 cogs with a 25% chance to get 7.

Recipe #7: It's actually multiple recipes, you can now use haunting for converting certain (not all) types of logs. 

Mods and datapacks:

Datapacks (Paxi is used for global datapacks):

Create Recipes+ (by me, StormDragon_64)
Vanilla Tweaks recipe datapack
