- 0
missing map Id Shado-Pan Showdown
#1657 opened by milotic - 2
3 items missing in a esemble in remix
#1658 opened by milotic - 0
Missing map id in Mogu'shan Palace dungeon
#1662 opened by milotic - 1
Mythic Garrosh heirlooms is not taken into account for heirloom upgrades
#1659 opened by kallesommernielsen - 6
The ATT Mini List Is Buggy
#1660 opened by capSAR273 - 7
Tooltip not working after Update (17/06/24)
#1661 opened by Nhymare - 2
Hearthstone's 10th Anniversary is over
#1669 opened by tailcat - 0
Getting this error when mouseover the mini list window
#1668 opened by eloxole - 2
ahune chest is showing a tooltip of ATT about exile reach
#1663 opened by milotic - 1
2 leather chest from remix are incorrectly listed as cloth armor
#1665 opened by milotic - 6
Zaralek Caverns rare tracking issues
#1666 opened by kcoderhere - 0
MOP scholomance is loading sholomance classic full list and is missing the timewalking list
#1667 opened by milotic - 0
themore fall horde version scenario minilist
#1670 opened by milotic - 0
ATT broken on Season of Discovery
#1671 opened by CaraleTheGnome - 2
Honor the Flame Suramar missing "Horde only" tag
#1672 opened by nhtwolf - 0
ATT not showing any tooltip info for NPCs friendly for the opposite faction
#1673 opened by funjoker - 1
Flightstones/Crests quests in Emerald Dream
#1674 opened by Fishdumpster - 2
[Feature Request] Add an option to ignore Poor and Common quality Appearences
#1676 opened by Zereges - 1
Raw Nightfin Snapper and Raw Sunscale Salmon are dropping in any time of the day inside zulgurub
#1681 opened by milotic - 4
the tracking of enemy factions The Scryers-The Aldor, Frenzyheart Tribe-The Oracles isnt working in account mode
#1683 opened by milotic - 1
removed recipe still Up in ATT
#1682 opened by milotic - 1
add a note about the bug of Pants of Prophecy
#1684 opened by milotic - 3
Dented Triptych Shield shows that it is loot for a chicken druid or healer in the minilist
#1685 opened by milotic - 0
ATT is failing in the tracking of various artifacts base appearance, and in account mode are failing to track everything
#1686 opened by milotic - 0
Northrend Alchemy Research is showing This item is not available to players.
#1687 opened by milotic - 3
[Feature Request] Add option to filter out uncollectable quest reward transmogs
#1698 opened by CrazyCanadian77 - 0
BFA minipet vendor Hidden quest missing in ATT
#1688 opened by milotic - 1
firelands (class hall shaman version) is showing mount hyjal things
#1689 opened by milotic - 0
Typo in Redridge item descriptions
#1690 opened by blmeyers - 2
Getting error "L ADHOC_UNIQUE_COLLECTED_INFO missing reference" in cata
#1692 opened by Cabro - 1
11.0.0 LUA Error - Window not appearing
#1693 opened by Raiukage - 1
Nothing showing in game
#1695 opened by CSN701 - 1
Waypoint shortcut causes chat error
#1696 opened by kallesommernielsen - 1
Runner.lua Error
#1697 opened by MetalHeadSeven - 1
Incorrect drop list for hunters in Pandaria Remix
#1709 opened by haochengyu2447 - 0
Lua error rolling dices
#1710 opened by milotic - 1
Appearances not Account-wide by default?
#1711 opened by argent-codes - 1
Missing map id in Algeth'ar Academy dungeon
#1700 opened by milotic - 0
Disabling Completionist conflicts with Questie in Cataclysm
#1701 opened by BreakBB - 5
[Important Feature Request] Add options to choose Strata Levels for the ATT lists.
#1702 opened by p0pcake - 1
[Timerunning] invalid value (nil) at index 5 in table for 'concat'
#1703 opened by kalutro - 2
Plans: Invulnerable Mail listed as a LBRS drop in profession minilist only
#1704 opened by kallesommernielsen - 1
[Retail] Some Exile's Reach Quests are no longer obtainable
#1705 opened by dozo0840 - 2
The text and icons are going outside the limits of the mini list and the icons are overlapping each other if for example a quest is for all classes except the evoker.
#1712 opened by milotic - 0
Lua error in trial of style
#1707 opened by milotic - 0
Quest "The Long Hunt" is shown to character that's not Sylvanas Loyalist when tracking quests in non-account-wide mode
#1708 opened by yangxk15 - 1
Missing Quest: 82416
#1715 opened by kallesommernielsen - 6
Satchel of Drake's Dreaming Crests
#1713 opened by milotic - 0
The minilist load collapsed in dungeons with followers but can drop normal loot
#1716 opened by milotic - 0
Alliance recruit's sturdy stompers not marked as learned despite learning two other alternate appearances
#1717 opened by sarahlogic