- 0
Inscription bag color
#1906 opened by magnutron - 1
[Error] Plugin error on load
#1907 opened by Moezenka - 0
Pawn Cata + Bagnon Cata = Huge FPS drop
#1908 opened by drcrazy - 23
bagnon not working since war whitin did a prepatch
#1911 opened by Shockangel - 89
Bags don't open after TWW pre-patch
#1909 opened by faradriel - 1
Can't interact with NPCs "Interface action failed because of an AddOn"
#1910 opened by KingJerbear - 0
LUA Error when opening lockbox
#1913 opened by 1Holy-Z - 0
Warband Bank
#1912 opened by ArenfeIdt - 11
Bank Sort not working
#1919 opened by PJai - 15
Bagnon Not Working
#1918 opened by felbrex - 1
Battle Pet Icons Cluttering Up Map
#1914 opened by GnuclearGnome - 6
New Warband Bank Not Working With Bagnon
#1915 opened by GnuclearGnome - 0
LUA Error WoW SoD
#1916 opened by Roktak - 1
Unable to change what each bag contains
#1917 opened by Peregran - 1
not working on retail
#1931 opened by journeym - 0
Bag Sort Prioritizing Last Bag
#1920 opened by dotdissent - 0
lua error when adding to a stack in bank after War Within Pre-Patch
#1921 opened by GnuclearGnome - 0
IsAddonLoaded error
#1925 opened by Mely2k1 - 0
Keyring is gone in Cataclysm. Bagnon still shows it.
#1922 opened by Cabro - 0
Show the version of Bagnon SOMEWHERE while logged in.
#1923 opened by Cabro - 3
C_Bank.FetchPurchasedBankTabData error
#1924 opened by Hendo72 - 6
Size of Bank + warband + bags on screen
#1926 opened by 1Holy-Z - 0
Error in 11.0.2 Related to ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN
#1927 opened by ryulinho - 6
.../AddOns/BagBrother/core/features/updateDetection.lua:35: attempt to index local 'latest' (a nil value)
#1928 opened by mgriesslehner - 3
Error while moving items from reagent bag inventory to reagent bank tab
#1929 opened by LarryGatlin - 0
Lua error purchasing Warband bank slot
#1930 opened by Licen-it - 0
CloseButton art
#1947 opened by Daenarys - 4
Lua Error when attempting to put item in Bank
#1944 opened by GnuclearGnome - 2
Bag frame not opening when toggled on
#1945 opened by Lotoqt - 1
Warband tab
#1946 opened by sliceandice - 0
Hope to add new features
#1932 opened by Zeus93 - 0
lua:34: script ran too long
#1933 opened by Fleymour - 0
Retail: Reagent move error
#1934 opened by evilgodly - 0
Retail: Guild Bank Frame Disable Error
#1935 opened by evilgodly - 0
Poncho-2.0.lua:40: script ran too long
#1936 opened by Fleymour - 0
Enhancement - Allow searching on BoE and BoA
#1937 opened by raysmith59 - 2
Cannot open merchant windows while BagNon is activated
#1938 opened by shenaniganiz0r - 7
Unable to open Inventory bags
#1939 opened by Seann1911 - 0
Constant Lua Errors While Standing Idle Conflict with All The Things?
#1940 opened by JaskuraLunaris - 2
lua:24 attempt to call method 'IsReagents' (a nil value)
#1941 opened by Fleymour - 1
"Deposit all Warband item" button
#1942 opened by Clarie91 - 1
Bag layout breakdown in bank/warbound bag
#1943 opened by Murderah - 0
Splited shared bags
#1948 opened by mixMugz - 9
bagbrother is not working.
#1949 opened by jiminu - 1
Open bank for the first time, the bank frame is in cached mode.
#1950 opened by hshh - 5
Bank is now broken.
#1951 opened by PirateJeremy - 17
Sorting no longer works
#1952 opened by Jokaleth - 1
Bags do not open
#1953 opened by Carm1chael - 0
61 pages of LUA errors and this says it was updated today
#1954 opened by smtips01 - 3
11.0.17 - Ignore Cleanup
#1955 opened by voidzone