World of Warcraft
13,368 Mods
MaxDps Demon Hunter
3M DownloadsDemon Hunter module for MaxDps addon
ConRO Demon Hunter
650k DownloadsDemon Hunter ability rotation aid, class module.
GSE - Elfyau's Demon Hunter Macros
148k DownloadsAll of Elfyau's Demon Hunter Macros (All Demon Hunter Specs)
74.3k DownloadsCooldowns and Buffs for Demon Hunters, similar to TotemTimers and MonkTimers
yy We Don't Wipe - Havoc
26.6k DownloadsHavoc DPS Priority Queue module for the We Don't Wipe AddOn
FuryWatch (for Demon Hunter)
18.5k Downloadsmaximum fury warning for demon hunters
Jojo's Bizarre adventure SFX for Demons Hunter
14.7k DownloadsSFX from Jojo's bizarre adventure universe
izzi Demon Hunter GSE macro plugin
13.2k DownloadsContaining macros for you to use with gse as you wander the wonderous World of Warcraft. Good from level 10 to 60+
9.1k DownloadsAudio Pack
Demon Hunter Experience
8.7k DownloadsRestore the true Demon Hunter Experience to WoW
Speak Demonic
7.6k DownloadsA simple addon that automatically swaps your language to Demonic upon entering The Fel Hammer.
Get Over Here Demon Hunter
5.4k DownloadsSound and Video Addon
4.4k DownloadsExperience the demun hunter's crippling blindness
FuryWatch2 (Demon Hunters Only)
2.5k DownloadsMaximum fury warning for demon hunters
Fury Damage Merge
2.2k DownloadsMerges multi hit abilities damage numbers into 1 total number.
Mute Bodyguard :: Lady S'theno
810 DownloadsMute Bodyguard :: Lady S'theno
17 DownloadsMutes annoying sounds made by male Blood Elf Demon Hunters in combat.