World of Warcraft
13,368 Mods
9M DownloadsCombopoints counter
Bitten's SpellFlash: DK
4M DownloadsReplaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash 1) a maximum dps rotation or 2) a maximum survivability tanking rotation.
MaxDps Death Knight
3M DownloadsDeath Knight module for MaxDps addon
Blood Shield Tracker
2M DownloadsTracks the Blood Shield for Death Knights.
1M DownloadsDeath Knight Helper.
Magic Runes
903k DownloadsDeathknight Rune Display
ConRO Death Knight
704k DownloadsDeath Knight ability rotation aid, class module.
Compact Runes
564k DownloadsCompact rune and proc display for Death Knights.
448k DownloadsCalculates and shows your TankPoints in the PaperDall Frame.
Acherus Runes
259k DownloadsSimple and clean Death Knight displays
Quartz: Power Bar
235k DownloadsModule for Quartz to show Secondary Powers like Demonic Fury
206k DownloadsDKIRunes
177k DownloadsSimple yet sophisticated Death Knight Rune interface.
173k DownloadsCombat resource display
GSE - Elfyau's Death Knight Macros
151k DownloadsAll of Elfyau's Death Knight Macros (All Death Knight Specs)
129k DownloadsA lightweight addon that sorts the runes into a HUD
Yury's RuneDisplay
123k DownloadsVery simple and lightweight addon for display of a Death Knight's runes (because the default frame is uncontrollable)
Pet Emote
116k DownloadsAllows you to send emotes from Hunter, Warlock, Death Knight and Mage pets.
99.4k DownloadsDisease Tracker for Death Knights.
91.2k DownloadsRuneHero