World of Warcraft
13,368 Mods
1M DownloadsOne-click Milling, Prospecting, Disenchanting and Lockpicking!
449k DownloadsDisplays item's levels in paperdoll and optionally bags
407k DownloadsTracks herbs/ore/items that can be broken into component pieces
Profession Assistance
289k DownloadsTooltip for milling, prospecting and disenchanting!
183k DownloadsSearch, filter and craft gems in the game!
AdiBags Bears Mining
96.5k DownloadsMining filter for AdiBags
Auto Loot Assist
86.6k Downloadsenables auto loot for Pick Pocket, Disenchant, Milling (WotLK only), Prospecting (WotLK only) and Fishing
Lemmo's Craft Cooldown
83.2k DownloadsShows all profession cooldowns for you're account
Profession Cooldown
71.8k DownloadsSimply tracks profession cooldowns for characters on your account.
HandyNotes - Shrines for Jewelcrafters
71.4k DownloadsAll six shrine locations in Kul Tiras and Zundalar with a few tooltips for jewelcrafters
Titan Panel [Jewelcrafting]
69.6k DownloadsProvides a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level
Prospect Me
61.8k DownloadsAn addon for tracking prospecting and milling results.
AdiBags Bears Jewelcrafting
58.9k DownloadsJewels filter for AdiBags
KevTool Queue
55.9k DownloadsAllows you to add items to your skillet queue in a generic way.
Eriks Shopping List
55.2k Downloadsrecursive list of all needed reagents
53.1k DownloadsxanMortarPestle will make Milling, Prospecting, and Disenchanting easy by just one single mouse click.
Enchant Me
42.1k DownloadsCheck equipped items for missing enchants and gems
Epic Gem List
38.2k DownloadsSortable list of gems
ProspectBar Lives
33.2k DownloadsProspectBar Lives
31.1k DownloadsShow gather node levels, frames for ench/pros/mill/locks, and more!