World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
1M DownloadsOne-click Milling, Prospecting, Disenchanting and Lockpicking!
407k DownloadsTracks herbs/ore/items that can be broken into component pieces
Profession Assistance
289k DownloadsTooltip for milling, prospecting and disenchanting!
123k DownloadsMillButton is a bare-bones, mini-addon that simplifies the macro you use to mill herbs in your bags.
AdiBags Bears Herbs
108k DownloadsHerbs filter for AdiBags
Auto Loot Assist
101k Downloadsenables auto loot for Pick Pocket, Disenchant, Milling (WotLK only), Prospecting (WotLK only) and Fishing
Prospect Me
61.8k DownloadsAn addon for tracking prospecting and milling results.
KevTool Queue
55.9k DownloadsAllows you to add items to your skillet queue in a generic way.
Titan Panel [Inscription]
54.3k DownloadsProvides a Plug-in for the Titan Bar add-on to display profession skill level
53.1k DownloadsxanMortarPestle will make Milling, Prospecting, and Disenchanting easy by just one single mouse click.
32.4k DownloadsAddon for milling herbs.
31.1k DownloadsShow gather node levels, frames for ench/pros/mill/locks, and more!
27k DownloadsGarrisonHelper
Glyph Reporter
25k DownloadsThis will record and report glyph needs to an active inscriptionist (Scribe for all you purists) if on the same account and s...
24.8k DownloadsHelps Scribes Mill Draenor Herbs
Combuctor Glyph
18.4k DownloadsCombuctor Glyph
Darkmoon Cards with TSM
11.3k DownloadsThe best addon for Darkmoon Cards in BFA!
10k DownloadsHelps you keep track of Darkmoon Card prices and calculates approximate cost of deck
9.3k DownloadsInventorium can keep track of items, refill them from storage and restock from vendors or via crafting professions.
Darkmoon Cards through TSM
9k DownloadsList inventory numbers and minBuyout for legion darkmoon cards and decks