World of Warcraft
13,368 Mods
9M DownloadsCombopoints counter
MaxDps Warlock
4M DownloadsWarlock module for MaxDps addon
Bitten's SpellFlash: Warlock
2M DownloadsReplaces Blizzard's default proc highlighting to flash a maximum dps rotation.
2M DownloadsMulti-Target Timers for DoTs, Buffs, Cooldowns
1M DownloadsDoT power tracker for Warlocks
ConRO Warlock
729k DownloadsWarlock ability rotation aid, class module.
Necrosis CATA , WOLTK, TBC, Classic , Mastery, SOD
675k DownloadsVersion modified for WLTK and Burning Crudade Classic - Mastery
Necrosis LdC
617k DownloadsNecrosis LdC
Necrosis Classic
564k DownloadsWarlock addon
400k DownloadsCompact Buff/Debuff/Cooldown reminder
Ellipsis (Multi-Target DoT Timers)
310k DownloadsA full-featured, multi-target Aura (DoTs and HoTs) timer and Cooldown tracker.
283k DownloadsHelpful reminders for Warlocks
264k DownloadsDetects and reports pet taunts in dungeons. Helps pet classes prevent them (/badpet or /bp to configure)
Vex Power
244k DownloadsAlternate Power- and Combopoint/SoulShard/HolyPower-bar
Quartz: Power Bar
235k DownloadsModule for Quartz to show Secondary Powers like Demonic Fury
Doom Shards
178k DownloadsTrack your incoming Soul Shards from Doom!
173k DownloadsCombat resource display
ElvUI Wild Imps Tracker
169k DownloadsFrame for tracking the current number of Wild Imps that are spawned.
GSE - Elfyau's Warlock Macros
149k DownloadsAll of Elfyau's Warlock Macros (All Warlock Specs)
135k DownloadsSoulSpeak