World of Warcraft
13,382 Mods
Hekili Priority Helper
50M DownloadsSim-based priority/rotation helper for DPS and tanking specializations.
MaxDps Rotation Helper
14M DownloadsRotation helper framework.
DBM - Challenges (Mage Tower/Torghast) (Requires Deadly Boss Mods) - DBM
12M DownloadsThis mod will add support for singe player challenges such as Torghast, Horrific Visions, Proving Grounds, and Legion Mage Tower to DBM
11M DownloadsPrettier nameplates.
7M DownloadsIn World of Warcraft healers have to die. This is a cruel truth that you're taught very early in the game. This add-on helps you influence this unfortunate destiny in a way or another depending on the healer's side...
6M DownloadsYou want to DPS but you don't know what to cast ? Check the icons.
Ovale Spell Priority
6M DownloadsShow the icon of the next spell to cast
WeaponSwingTimer SixxFix
3M DownloadsBugfixed version of Weapon Swing Timer by LeftHandedGlove specifically for the hunter timer
2M DownloadsA weapon swing timer for WoW Classic. Supports all melee weapons, Hunter's Auto Shot, and wands.
2M DownloadsDPS priorities for classes and specs that I play.
1M DownloadsA simple threat meter for WoW Classic.
Announce Interrupts
865k DownloadsAnnounces in chat whenever you interrupt a spell.
858k DownloadsA lightweight damage and healing meter.
Twintop's Resource Bar
670k DownloadsMulti-class Resource Bar, based on my (Twintop's) previous Shadow Priest Insanity Bar WeakAura set from Legion.
Classic Floating Combat Text
614k DownloadsClosest thing to pre-legion damage text possible with the current API limitations. +icons, colors, filtering and more.
609k DownloadsBadKitty
479k DownloadsRange indicator to ensure you are maxing the potential of Halo, like a Pro!
Font Damage Changer
422k DownloadsFont Damage Changer
421k DownloadsClaw is an addon for cat druids that simplifies gameplay and maximizes DPS by doing all your decision making
407k DownloadsVanilla style damage popping animation for retail