- 13
2-5 second freezes every time I do anything related to work orders in craft sim
#561 opened by Fexxu - 5
Recipe Scan - Enchanting - Freezes at 12%
#563 opened by Serntis - 0
[Feature request] Select All and Select None options to Recipe Scan
#564 opened by yltsmees - 0
[feature request] add ability to find customer by name
#565 opened by iscekic - 0
[Feature Request] Show time until enough concentration is available for recipe
#566 opened by j-reher - 3
Lua error: Trying to set item which is not in possible salvage item list
#567 opened by b-morgan - 1
Tailoring Recipes errors
#568 opened by Co2Noss - 0
Concentration Optimization: Make calculations frame distributed with callback for usage
#546 opened by derfloh205 - 0
CraftQueue: Concentration Optimization Button for edit recipe frame
#547 opened by derfloh205 - 0
RecipeScan: Add Option to Optimize Concentration when Concentration is enabled
#548 opened by derfloh205 - 0
CraftQueue: Optimize Concentration for Patron Orders where concentration is needed
#549 opened by derfloh205 - 2
Patron Order error message when order is completed
#550 opened by cconolly - 3
Patron Orders Competitor's Heraldry
#552 opened by urza1234 - 2
Everburning Ignition
#551 opened by Famothas - 2
Whenever Concentration tick box checked, Craftsim addon is crashed
#553 opened by KoForm - 0
Open Recipe View: Revisit unallocated reagents behaviour
#554 opened by derfloh205 - 1
[Request] Hide concentration tracking of specific characters
#555 opened by Layz666 - 0
Alternative price for crafted Items. (Mainly for use in the CraftSim Average profit window)
#556 opened by cgsub - 1
CraftQueue Rework
#557 opened by derfloh205 - 1
[Feature] Reconsider Crafting Costs of Cauldrons
#558 opened by Hayato2846 - 1
Patron Order Misreading Required Quality
#559 opened by urza1234 - 2
Bug with Reagents for Patron Order Craft Queue
#601 opened by crusha015 - 2
Ignore Spark Recipes is excluding PVP Items
#600 opened by crusha015 - 0
Concentration window keeps resetting position
#602 opened by olikal - 1
Cooldowns window keeps resetting position
#603 opened by olikal - 0
[Craft Queue Feature Request] queue best price per skillpoint learned recipe
#604 opened by derfloh205 - 1
Top Profit Functionality Choosing Lower Profit Option
#572 opened by gac21116 - 1
Feature Request: Seperate Sources for Crafting Reagent vs. Crafted Item
#574 opened by PinkLionArt - 3
Lag When Using Profession Tool Options
#575 opened by OMGFEMALE - 3
frame problems
#576 opened by kydil - 0
[Feature Suggestion] Sort options for Concentration Overview
#577 opened by KevinMichaelWeber - 1
recipe scan sort
#578 opened by VelsyVels - 5
Issue when clicking optimize profit or click concentration checkbox inside recipe edit
#579 opened by cconolly - 0
Wrong concentration costs in simulation mode
#580 opened by vituscze - 2
Future Idea Expand Functionality Tooltip , SharedDb , CraftSim API
#581 opened by BodySame - 2
"Optimize Profit" is not optimizing reagents inside CraftQueue Edit option.
#582 opened by MarcosGruah - 3
Wrong Result Item quality in craft queue after relog
#583 opened by Naraxz - 2
Reagent Optimization suggestion is wrong!
#584 opened by Naraxz - 1
Massive lag and errors when clicking recipes, and or switching to KP window.
#585 opened by Phayderz - 2
[Feature] Display Average Crafting Costs
#586 opened by slockHUB - 0
Craft Queue - Reagent Optimization error
#587 opened by Prejudice182 - 0
[Bug ]Craft Queue -> Patron orders: "Next: Claim" turns grey
#588 opened by yltsmees - 6
Can't import recipes from the recipe scan to the craft queue - running version 18.2.3
#589 opened by Mcgonagol - 2
Concentration profit per point values are wrong when negative numbers are involved
#591 opened by razko - 6
Craftsim assigning incorrect difficulty to patron orders
#592 opened by urza1234 - 1
Checking for unlearned profession in order to remove those from the Alt Concentration Panel.
#593 opened by cgsub - 0
Concentration Optimization Edge Case
#594 opened by urza1234 - 0
CraftQueue: New Queue Button Improvements
#596 opened by derfloh205 - 0
[New Module] Craft Presets
#597 opened by derfloh205 - 1
LUA Error - Add Patron Orders
#599 opened by Master-85