- 4
DBM Status bar timers spamming me with errors.
#511 opened by Zehdah - 2
Pandaria raids causing various errors to occur.
#512 opened by Ookami313 - 5
DBM core fails to load on OSX
#514 opened by laundrevity - 4
Sanctum of Domination Support
#513 opened by MysticalOS - 1
DBM Reporting incorrect version number.
#515 opened by cylismaori - 12
DBT rewrite bugs
#519 opened by Molkree - 1
AddMessage (a nil value), Referencing a "nil" frame
#520 opened by Defmaster - 5
Shadow-Lord Iskar DBM Core Error
#522 opened by reale411 - 1
Throne of Thunder Errors
#523 opened by reale411 - 1
SetPoint failed because Cannot anchor to a region dependent on it.
#524 opened by cwagrant - 1
Dark Recital of Afterimage of Lord Stavros doesn't warned
#526 opened by patrickwu1991 - 0
First HatefulStrike timer on Gorechop encounter too early
#527 opened by YourFutureHusband - 4
Add more BrutalCombo timers to Xav the Unfallen encounter
#528 opened by YourFutureHusband - 4
attempt to index field 'mainAnchor' (a nil value) Error is Release version 9.0.23
#530 opened by tpsaunders - 0
Expand Upwards does not invert timer order (Sort by remaining time ON)
#533 opened by stoic-x - 1
DBM DefaultSkin issue
#537 opened by Eagle9114 - 1
LUA warning
#539 opened by macaire63 - 0
TASK: Remove DBM.Bars and DBM.Bars.options compact code
#544 opened by MysticalOS - 2
X-Offset no longer staggers bars
#548 opened by Roill - 1
Error as of today !
#555 opened by Qwakos - 0
Hunter should be MagicDispeller
#562 opened by micolous - 1
Add icon control options to Generals
#569 opened by MysticalOS - 0
Link to "9.0.5" leads only to 9.0.26
#573 opened by Ciel-Morgenstern - 1
DBM Classic Doesn't reconize TBC Classic
#575 opened by Hawkx1 - 1
Wrong Version Warning
#579 opened by LotG-Catherine - 11
Updated DBM and large/small bar sizes swapped
#580 opened by bgodbgg - 0
GUI options don't all fully support $spell:id markup
#593 opened by QartemisT - 4
Add option to disable update notification
#596 opened by MariusGrandeAndersen - 1
Custom /range yards
#598 opened by ConKou - 1
new issue after recent update
#599 opened by Gambeck - 1
recent update instant errors
#600 opened by Gambeck - 1
Script errors entering layer 9 of Torghast Skoldus Hall and Layer 9 of Upper Reaches Torghast
#602 opened by emmetotter - 1
UI error after upgrade on shadow Priest.
#604 opened by thicks595 - 2
new bug
#607 opened by Gambeck - 2
attempt to index field 'Bars' (a nil value)
#612 opened by MorElmaliach - 0
console script error immediately after joining existing Valinor world boss group in Bastion
#617 opened by emmetotter - 2
Lua error when entering world boss in Bastian
#618 opened by brittyazel - 1
Sylvanas bugging out
#626 opened by AngeliqueDawnbringer - 1
#628 opened by norris2930 - 3
WoD Garrison Invasion - DBM has no function
#630 opened by Mike160770 - 3
Fähigkeiten Stacks per Fight
#632 opened by 13Balu02 - 1
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo crash problem
#635 opened by macadamya - 1
Timer Debug is misidentifying timers and spitting out invalid reports
#639 opened by MysticalOS - 13
False positive warning of Trojan on download of DBM
#643 opened by madkort - 2
Trojan Virus found during update for alpha and release version
#645 opened by Wrrah - 0
DBM 9.1.10 still do the trojan/script
#648 opened by zoneknusernd - 11
recent update
#646 opened by Drcox777 - 2
Tried to update to latest release for DBM and get a severe Trojan alert
#647 opened by Orbitus2001 - 58
Mythic kel'thuzad, soul reavers not getting marked during intermission
#653 opened by bgodbgg - 2
DBM, no timers for The Arcatras "Zereketh The Unbound"
#656 opened by killrawr