- 2
Lua error on combat pet summon
#282 opened by TheOperator3712 - 1
typo in changelog: s/Merch/March/g
#284 opened by R-Adrian - 0
Details won't save new windows
#285 opened by Chorthee - 0
I can't save my profile.
#286 opened by wook4811 - 0
Hunter CC and Dispells missing
#287 opened by Fethbita - 0
Details misidentifies Arcane Torrent as producing Interupts.
#288 opened by AndyGrant - 0
Friz Quadrata does not work for russian letters
#289 opened by addonaddict - 0
Brackets separator missing
#290 opened by addonaddict - 1
Target mark in the way of "silver" star icon to the left of health bar
#297 opened by addonaddict - 1
Statistical report cannot be sent to the community channel
#292 opened by BlueNightSky - 4
[LUA Error] DetailsTBC. - Raid forming before combat and Lua error
#293 opened by boktai1000 - 3
No zip file release available in GitHub project for WowUp install
#294 opened by raptormama - 3
Encounter timer on title bar does not appear even if setting is enabled
#295 opened by addonaddict - 1
Feature request - Details damage meter skin to match blizzard UI
#296 opened by addonaddict - 0
overwhelming power crystal trinket dmg not showing on dps chart
#298 opened by matton300 - 1
Details Errors in chat window.
#300 opened by TLezynski - 3
DetailsTBC. LibOpenRaid error
#301 opened by Road-block - 0
Frame Handling (UIParent vs absolute coordinates)
#302 opened by tkitrlyez - 1
Clickthrough Only During Combat Doesn't Work
#303 opened by lotsoftoons - 8
Add release.json to GitHub Release
#306 opened by pengc99 - 0
Error occured in: Global
#308 opened by XhanterX - 36
Repository is incompatible with WoWUp
#309 opened by KevinTyrrell - 1
Unsure how to add encounter timer to DPS meter title bar
#312 opened by addonaddict - 1
Error with Details and Plater
#313 opened by reconops - 0
[Lua error]
#314 opened by zeenk - 2
Not resetting on new dungeon group
#315 opened by Anothersignup - 0
Titlebar has texture from nowhere
#316 opened by Anothersignup - 1
Unable to ungroup windows; "Disable Grouping" option doesn't seem to be working
#320 opened by raysmith59 - 3
[TBC][API][BUG] Player Aura data missing for somecase
#318 opened by tywtyw2002 - 1
PVP - Icons wrong for class, Damage wrong.
#319 opened by cbunting99 - 1
Error during resizing
#323 opened by Naxterra - 0
Cross faction custom names not working while in a PvE group
#328 opened by colasmulo - 0
The game version in the toc file.
#338 opened by free4one - 2
DetailsRetail.v9.2.7.10017.146 "'IsWoTLKWow" error
#342 opened by DakJaniels - 0
Ability text remains in russian after a recent russian->english server transfer
#329 opened by mvinegret - 1
[request] remove turret damage from Grimrail Depot as personal damage
#332 opened by framara - 1
Bookmarks panel mess up together after mousewheel scroll
#333 opened by siweia - 2
LUA error when logging in; today's new version
#348 opened by raysmith59 - 1
Bars Texts: Separator and Bracket not working with 2 Windows
#349 opened by xCrayveNx - 0
Details:GetTalents(guid) only returning "player" talents for WotLK Classic
#350 opened by ForestJ316 - 0
Auras of other players
#352 opened by hasnogaems - 1
Playtime for expansion is being called every minute (new Alpha feature?)
#354 opened by capSAR273 - 4
Lua Error in login
#357 opened by BlueNightSky - 1
LUA Error inside dungeon
#361 opened by Feronas - 0
Segment tooltip overlapping toolbar
#363 opened by olepg - 2
Chat tab embed function problems
#372 opened by Narnis - 0
String Labels Not Found and LUA Errors.
#366 opened by xdega - 2
WTF details.lua & .bak is eating up huge space over years
#375 opened by Voxxel - 4
/tt slash command conflict
#374 opened by sthdevilish - 2
retail: 1bug--1Questions--1consultan
#376 opened by maioro