- 0
Add Event Reminder for Beledar's Dark Phase
#233 opened by mestar99 - 4
Watchlist not being retained between WOW logins
#231 opened by borovy99 - 10
bug compare
#230 opened by Addonman - 0
deDE translation suggestion
#229 opened by Nhilrim - 2
GitHub Donation Button not working
#227 opened by StanoRiga - 1
Addon still shows up as "out of date"
#226 opened by avrosati - 1
NDui support
#225 opened by AngelosNaoumis - 0
cata : Achievement Leaderboard Exporter button overlap Guild
#217 opened by ZeChrales - 0
shift modifier keybind keep opens compare achievement window
#214 opened by jisamcom - 3
Lua error when hovering over next/previous buttons
#212 opened by Slackluster - 2
Categories in Watch List are all "Unknown"
#210 opened by tflo - 0
Unobtainable Achievements: Superior and Epic (Shadowlands)
#209 opened by F-Lambda - 0
error in cata
#206 opened by SunNova67 - 1
Please add "Temporary Not Obtainable" to filter options.
#205 opened by p0pcake - 0
Keep getting LUA error when both Krowi's and ElvUI loaded....
#203 opened by dblanch369 - 6
Move the calendar icon
#200 opened by zivilyyyn - 1
Dragonbane Keep time incorrect
#198 opened by Wevah - 1
Fresh install DOES NOT reopens in same place and with same achievement selected
#197 opened by rowaasr13 - 0
Allow the header to be centered
#195 opened by TheKrowi - 2
while the addon is active the achievment search doesn't work
#194 opened by Leosh11 - 0
Just an Ordinary Gas Cloud incorrect categorization
#190 opened by Luciiite - 2
undo stop tracking
#189 opened by Fokusrite - 9
Event reminder popup location issues
#188 opened by NoShotz - 0
ElvUI Skin broke with version 67
#185 opened by gizzmo - 1
Getting following error after logon, after updating to 66
#183 opened by TheKrowi - 6
Lua error with 66.0 - does not occur when using 65.0
#181 opened by Mike160770 - 1
Event Reminder localization
#176 opened by TheKrowi - 0
Untrack an event reminder with a right click
#174 opened by TheKrowi - 0
Auto number of summary achievements
#172 opened by TheKrowi - 0
[45.4] achievement points max and current are not updated
#171 opened by TheKrowi - 0
Forge and Befuddle double-tracked
#168 opened by Luciiite - 3
AceLocal-3.0-6: Krowi_AchievementFilter: Missing entry for ...
#166 opened by Xyrgia - 1
Addon directlyx after Logon
#165 opened by Pantasaron - 4
ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN: Tried to call the protected function 'resume()'.
#163 opened by hayatofujii - 6
WotLK 3.4.2 - Opening the achievement frame results in an error.
#162 opened by godsyn - 4
Unable to track incomplete achievements that are completed on another toon
#161 opened by tflo - 3
ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED AchievementFrameCloseButton:SetPropagateKeyboardInput
#158 opened by TheKrowi - 1
Error when typing in search field
#154 opened by Pantasaron - 1
Broken ver. 62
#153 opened by clancyby - 0
"Archievement Filter" seems to be broken
#152 opened by jahirahdk - 2
`1x Krowi_AchievementFilter/Globals.lua:254: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)`
#151 opened by tflo - 0
Error when clicking magnifier
#142 opened by Pantasaron - 0
10.1.5 - IsTrackedAchievement Bug
#134 opened by vandiel01 - 1
API.lua:79: attempt to index local 'category' (a nil value)
#132 opened by Ookami313 - 5
Lua error with 56.5 when logging in
#130 opened by b-morgan - 2
Cannot close tooltip using Esc key
#129 opened by Xadrakan - 1
Incompatibility with Questie
#127 opened by orionshock - 0
Issues with newest ElvUI
#124 opened by DlargeX - 1
DeModal support
#123 opened - 4
ElvUI skin optimization: Can't see what category is selected
#122 opened by Taizunz