- 0
Get string length to rearange options
#1 opened by TheKrowi - 2
AchievementFrame_SetTabs can cause error if Tab2 is already anchored to Tab3
#9 opened by TheKrowi - 2
Getting these 2 errors in WOTLK Beta.
#19 opened by NoobTaco - 5
Wrath prepatch compat
#24 opened by Road-block - 0
Settings UI taint blocks various actions on panel close
#27 opened by TheKrowi - 6
Achievements window opens off-screen
#32 opened by InvisiBilldotnet - 1
Tutorial Error by Galthariel
#42 opened by TheKrowi - 3
LUA ERROR: Cannot anchor to a region dependent on it by BeThibaut
#44 opened by TheKrowi - 3
WotLK Error by KnightDemons
#43 opened by TheKrowi - 0
The window's position is not saved by BeThibaut
#45 opened by TheKrowi - 21
Lua error on login
#41 opened by filliph - 4
Compatability issue with ElvUI
#40 opened by Beet4 - 3
Incorrect information
#37 opened by whichwit - 2
World map button hides behind map when ElvUI is enabled.
#46 opened by TheKrowi - 2
1-3 second freeze on window open + 3 LUA errors (stack overflow)
#47 opened by Shushuda - 0
Opening Options -> Layout -> Tabs throws error
#48 opened by TheKrowi - 1
Issue reported by AlexL1118 on CF: Clicking Filter -> Help -> Full Search
#49 opened by TheKrowi - 2
Feature Request: Achievement reminder info in object/NPC tooltip
#53 opened by filliph - 4
Bug During Edit Mode
#54 opened by vandiel01 - 1
Error while in options reported by avaraen on CurseForge
#55 opened by TheKrowi - 1
Lua error clicking list achievement
#56 opened by eleanoryeung - 0
Achievement list is not actively updating
#57 opened by eleanoryeung - 1
[45.3] Action[SetPoint] failed by Malivil reported on Discord
#58 opened by TheKrowi - 7
Failed to open achievement frame
#62 opened by eleanoryeung - 1
When unfocus a focused achievement, the achievement stay in the "Focused" tab while have already be unfocused.
#60 opened by TheKrowi - 4
Locale is not taken into account by LUA standard functions
#63 opened by Gerokusu - 3
Button on worldmap overlaps close button when used with Leatrix Maps addon
#69 opened by RENgOLD - 1
Feature Request: Custom lists
#70 opened by GrimNotepad - 2
Feature request: Full search window
#72 opened by GurliGebis - 4
"krowi_achievementfilter has been blocked from an action..."
#73 opened by ivancarlosti - 1
Unable to open panel
#89 opened by seeson - 6
Suggestion: Notify about current Hunts / Community feasts
#91 opened by layzsmurf - 0
ElvUI Plugin - world map button skinning error
#75 opened by Bauxite - 4
Classic 48.2 Error
#78 opened by tehKD - 3
Feature Request: Remember position in tab/category/page
#79 opened by Taizunz - 1
Latest wotlk version throwing error.
#81 opened by gelsbern - 3
Feature Request: Reward, Criteria and Description search
#84 opened by Dathwada - 1
Recent Achievements lists chronologically by date, not by time
#85 opened by Taizunz - 7
Not showing Achievement Points when first load.
#92 opened by seeson - 3
Krowi_AchievementFilter/Globals.lua:211: attempt to index local 'achievement' (a nil value)
#97 opened by tatatada - 3
Tracked achievements still marked as tracked after completion
#104 opened by Seriphe - 5
51.2+ doesn't play nice with the Wowhead Quick Link addon
#105 opened by Taizunz - 2
Severeal issues, KAF not working at all after patch?
#108 opened by Tiiara - 1
"Hidden" achievements don't show in watch list
#113 opened by Wevah - 4
53.0 Lua Errors
#112 opened by Ophilla - 3
10.0.7 - Lua errors
#118 opened by Fargotroniac - 4
Taint when setting Keybinds
#121 opened by Dreadful-Sanity - 1
Some achievements are not rendering
#2 opened by TheKrowi