- 2
dispenser recipes
#779 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent
#778 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Could not pass event EntityDamageByEntityEvent to CraftBook v3.8.1
#777 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Command sign redstone not working
#776 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
improved cauldron issue. Can't make it work = error in console
#775 opened by LadyCailinBot - 10
Conflicts with ItemCase / Request for Item Filter
#550 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
[reverse] not working if after [max speed]
#774 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Sitting no longer works
#773 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
mc1272 doesnt works :c
#772 opened by LadyCailinBot - 40
painting, sponge no work. command items malfunction.
#771 opened by LadyCailinBot - 11
SelfTriggerThinkEvent runs into StackOverflow
#770 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to CraftBook
#769 opened by LadyCailinBot - 18
crafting-recipes config
#768 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Remove warning for disabled ICs
#767 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Custom Reciepes duplicate items
#766 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
corrupt cunks?
#765 opened by LadyCailinBot - 10
Server DDOS craftbook overload
#547 opened by LadyCailinBot - 44
All Midi ICs show weird behavior
#764 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Could not pass event BlockBreakEvent to CraftBook
#763 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
Crafting delay and ghost items
#762 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
Can't create fireworks with Craftbook enabled.
#761 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
HeadDrops event priority
#760 opened by LadyCailinBot - 8
Sentry Gun don't attack baby zombies.
#759 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Cauldron does not work? "WARN]: [CraftBook] Failed to initialize mechanic: ImprovedCauldron"
#758 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Cannot unleash horses when using "Better Leashes"
#757 opened by LadyCailinBot - 8
reload error with custom recipes with ยง in name (color code)
#756 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
After editing config.yml /cb reload returns error even after changes are undone.
#755 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Flip Flop Recipes broken..
#754 opened by LadyCailinBot - 15
All IC ([MC] SIGNS ) Are broken! Please fix this as soon possible because i need this
#753 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
crafting recipes have some problem
#752 opened by LadyCailinBot - 8
LWC flood if craftbook is on.
#751 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
gate and stone fence (id 139)
#750 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Fireworks question
#749 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
#748 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Reciever dosn't work
#747 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
Bad Timings
#536 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
CraftBook Update Error
#745 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
command item are persistant on respawn.
#743 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
teleporter not created
#742 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
nothing in minecarts is working
#741 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Container Collector issue
#740 opened by LadyCailinBot - 14
Task: MechanicClock(interval 2) scheduler causes redstone lag (TPS=5)
#739 opened by LadyCailinBot - 12
MC1253 (fireworks) and other ICs to output high when script is complete
#738 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Exception in execution of a firework (array index out of bounds exception)
#737 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
Command-Items cooldown not working anymore
#528 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
MC1235 cultivator IC doesn't respect WorldGuard regions
#736 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
[Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event SignClickEvent to CraftBook v3.8-SNAPSHOT:3388-d59a856,master
#735 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Nullpointer exception
#734 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
pipe don't work with 3.8.1 beta version
#733 opened by LadyCailinBot - 8
Config file won't accept my changes
#732 opened by LadyCailinBot