- 1
Run into error when using a banner meta
#5264 opened by saeziae - 7
EssentialsX Discord messages are very behind when chat is spammed
#5265 opened by ayunami2000 - 1
Console spam offline player
#5272 opened by SladeHazard - 4
Error from the Nukkit engine
#5266 opened by TechAdrianPro - 13
Rework Warp Storage Format
#5267 opened by baailey - 0
Color code support for anvils
#5268 opened by notaduck448 - 2
Instantly crash a server using /mail
#5287 opened by spookymgmt - 0
Add a command for discord link to retrieve a user's discord name & tag from within minecraft!
#5274 opened by NanashiTheNameless - 2
Direct download link for latest dev build?
#5288 opened by capsload2 - 3
Cannot handle uuid and throws errors.
#5277 opened by rejomy - 1
CombinedCalculator may cause performance issues
#5278 opened by KioProject123 - 1
Command on link with essentialsX discord link.
#5279 opened by mrdiploben - 1
No change (minus) balance
#5280 opened by arxivi - 3
EssentialsChat fix ! format
#5283 opened by rejomy - 0
Discord: Output certain messages to multiple channels
#5284 opened by e-motiv - 1
/tpr aliases and command in the console.
#5286 opened by rejomy - 1
Console spams offline players
#5285 opened by SladeHazard - 1
EssentialsX + LuckPerms error
#5298 opened by DonKips - 1
World-group /homes
#5299 opened by KillerRose83 - 1
Server Economy reset Error
#5305 opened by ImDarkLaw - 1
Player quit messages do not trigger `BroadcastMessageEvent` while join messages do.
#5301 opened by accLarson - 0
Preventmodify for enderchest modifications
#5289 opened by 4L0N50asd - 9
Players not recieving messages from Discord channel
#5294 opened by flleeppyy - 1
GlobalChatEvent doesn't get fired
#5295 opened by SKBotNL - 1
Named item groups in trade signs and commands
#5297 opened by Strahan201 - 1
Make iron an alias for iron_ingot and gold an alias for gold_ingot
#5319 opened by Atticuss26 - 2
Give /smite a permission
#5306 opened by TigerRageMC - 1
Exclude Baltop if player doesnt meet minimum balance // baltop-min-balance
#5307 opened by Mddwg - 0
Essentials.silentjoin/quit broadcast
#5308 opened by Varadic - 1
Displayname not showing
#5309 opened by Izaiashi - 1
Eco Reset Exception
#5312 opened by ImDarkLaw - 0
[Feature] Add ability to delete all homes of a player / Temporary homes
#5313 opened by AGuyNamedJens - 0
Discord German Translation too long
#5315 opened by SonnenPingu - 0
Add permission to prevent certain player to be invseen
#5316 opened by lvanko - 3
Hex compatibility for
#5317 opened by hustlerlol - 1
Offline player /r error
#5318 opened by untuned - 2
setSleepingIgnored Bug
#5323 opened by LuckerCracker - 3
Change the severe warning of an outdated server from Error to Warning
#5325 opened by Jcodeerd - 1
UserMap uses a lot of memory with large number of users
#5327 opened by SladeHazard - 5
Command god doesn't protect againt explosions
#5350 opened by msmanui - 0
{USERNAME} and {DATE} placeholders not working correctly in kits
#5349 opened by ZepsiZola - 2
Permission to bypass tptoggle
#5330 opened by Rubenicos - 0
Add chat format configuration for each chat type for a group
#5332 opened by Flowsqy - 0
Add configuration option to remove the first spaces when using chat types
#5333 opened by Flowsqy - 2
Toggling AFK Resets Display Name
#5335 opened by iMxAndyy - 0
SignChangeEvent don't get fired with /signedit
#5340 opened by SrBedrock - 3
/toggleshout causing issues with shout/local chat
#5342 opened by hexobt - 0
XMPP Addon Stable fails to load startup classes, logs using sout/err.print
#5343 opened by FlitPix - 1
Make the configuration less misleading with respect to command conflicts
#5344 opened by A248 - 1
Thread-120 Error
#5347 opened by wvbigdave