- 1
Disabling Enderman pick-up
#66 opened by Kaos1337 - 1
bukkit #1216 start null bug
#70 opened by finallove2 - 3
Protection placement in pre-protected areas. 6.2 only
#67 opened by barneebrown - 2
City Protect Cuboid - Draw Mode Bugged
#68 opened by ButtChew - 4
Cuboid to radius
#69 opened by zoliio - 2
Fields are forgotten on server stop / reload
#72 opened by Ape - 2
SQL error near update
#71 opened by moshmage - 4
error at insert; no trigger on stop
#73 opened by moshmage - 1
error with hawkeye
#75 opened by dfdgsdfg - 1
Visualize crashes server if large number of fields exist
#76 opened by nickperkins - 1
add an alias - /ps visualise
#77 opened by nickperkins - 3
cuboid fields are acting wierd (again on 'reload')
#74 opened by moshmage - 9
"Price:" flag not charging, but still refunding
#78 opened by selfservice0 - 2
Could not pass PLAYER_INTERACT
#81 opened by dagumboss - 2
haveing an area inside another area
#82 opened by thelawgivar - 1
error with a piston block
#83 opened by dfdgsdfg - 1
Conflicting Fields checked even with "/ps off"
#84 opened by zanetheinsane - 1
Add port parameter for MySQL config.yml
#79 opened by Mentioum - 2
Changing allow/remove for 1 field in an area with a lot of fields...
#80 opened by Devboi - 3
What is the command/process to set remove/allow for 1 ps stone?
#86 opened by Devboi - 1
Visualization bug
#87 opened by 3DI70R - 2
[BUG] Able to use cuboid drawing mode to overlap fields into 'no-conflict: false' fields
#88 opened by zanetheinsane - 1
[Feature Request] 'custom-maxvolume' field flag
#89 opened by zanetheinsane - 1
Cannot place field here (even with /ps off)
#90 opened by LordBoos - 1
MySQL Issues
#92 opened by dagumboss - 2
Sql insert errors on startup.
#91 opened by MonsterTKE - 2
Set protection from the pstone to the sky
#93 opened by Kaos1337 - 2
Price flag not charging.
#94 opened by selfservice0 - 1
/ps density [amount]
#95 opened by MonsterTKE - 3
nothing works..?
#96 opened by lolimandy - 5
PreciousStones Incompatible
#97 opened by HalestormXV - 1
Ghost fields not removable
#99 opened by selfservice0 - 2
Using "/ps delete" deletes all fields overlapping the ones your in.
#100 opened by selfservice0 - 2
can't build in fields even though i'm added to the allow list.
#98 opened by sparroha - 5
Chest protection Bypass bug.
#101 opened by vvmattozzvv - 1
Welcome Messages
#103 opened - 1
/ps visualize: server crash.
#102 opened by Kaos1337 - 1
Persistent Database Message on Load
#104 opened by Tobyz28 - 1
[Question] Deletion/Addition of Fields without interfering with the database?
#106 opened by Scribbd - 3
[Question] Deletion/Addition of Fields without interfering with the database?
#105 opened by Scribbd - 17
Ghost Fields
#107 opened by selfservice0 - 5
/ps clean lags in large databases
#109 opened by selfservice0 - 2
place PreciousStones at sign it bug
#108 opened by darkzerox - 10
setDisabled not completely functional.
#110 opened by Scribbd - 1
Internal Server Error on break of PS block
#111 opened by HotelErotica - 7
Failed to handle packet: java.lang.NullPointerException on ps block break
#112 opened by rocky143 - 2
Godstone (slow-heal) keeps healing after breaking
#113 opened by Scribbd - 5
bPermissions support
#114 opened by beyourgravity - 2
plugin.yml is referenced but not defined
#115 opened by Psithief - 7 Bad packet id 71
#116 opened by Kaos1337