- 1
Player list
#148 opened by cosminthunde - 2
REQ: Hide player count and player names via query
#149 opened by pythros - 6
/vanish player
#150 opened by mbax - 1
Severe Null
#151 opened by ObsceneNameHere - 3
NPE error when trying to vanish
#152 opened by SullyTheUnusual - 3
Option to allow silent chests whilst nointeract is enabled.
#153 opened by alien12 - 2
Error when using /v
#155 opened by gdude2002 - 2
Remove Player From TAB List
#156 opened by jkmalan - 8
Adding to CraftBukkitUpToDate
#157 opened by Nickfost - 1
hunger while vanished
#158 opened by ChristopherLMiller - 2
plugin is too good
#161 opened by jamietech - 1
/vanish stopped working
#162 opened by MrSadman - 4
Auto vanish on join
#163 opened by andrewhuck - 1
make permission update when player gets op or deop
#164 opened by nnnn20430 - 1
Node or Config option for interact
#165 opened by pocketkings719 - 11
[IDEA] SneakNoPacket
#168 opened by scootaz - 8
Dynmap Conflict
#166 opened by krisdestruction - 1
Annoyance - No longer using plugin because of it
#170 opened by WTRV-0 - 19
Lightning barrage toggle - default to off
#169 opened by Captian-Nemo - 8
Lightning barrage triggers when joining vanished
#171 opened by SullyTheUnusual - 12
vanish explosion sets blocks on fire
#174 opened by WoAnerges - 7
[SEVERE] null
#172 opened by WoAnerges - 1
Earlier download links?
#173 opened by Grootx - 2
/v making me explode and lightning
#176 opened by xlmaniac - 0
config lightning amount
#177 opened by mbax - 1
split vanish.vanish
#175 opened by mbax - 8
not always vanish? + lightning confiq to off ?
#178 opened by mralzaabi - 3
- 11
Arrows 'bounce' off of vanished players
#180 opened by bacon-avenger - 1
Make vanish.explode an option in the config
#181 opened by guard5002 - 3
Make it avaliable to disable 'thunder' effect on join and auto vanish on join
#182 opened by hqSparx - 3
Tiered system
#183 opened by mbax - 7
Arrows and EXP
#184 opened - 4
Vanish causing fires
#185 opened by Sniket - 3
After /reload "You have been made visible..." message appears to non-vanished players
#186 opened by Ne0nx3r0 - 1
Mobs ignoring NoFollow
#128 opened by ProjectInfinity - 2
Courier postmen give away vanished players
#129 opened by SullyTheUnusual - 1
Mobs seeing, being attracted to vanished players
#130 opened by viveleroi - 1
Xp orbs follow you in vanish.
#132 opened by Dmck2b - 4
Ocelots run away from invisible players.
#133 opened by Dmck2b - 2
mobs can see players in 1.2.3, VnP version 3.5
#131 opened by quickclay - 7
Cannot toggle
#136 opened by commanderAIK - 8
Redstone Ore Particles when Vanished
#137 opened by FriendlyBaron - 2
#138 opened - 1
Non Permissions People Can Vanish
#139 opened by LOLJaein - 6
Plugin Conflicts
#140 opened by szczepix - 4
Config Problem
#141 opened by crfptb0808 - 1
minecarts still react to vanish player
#142 opened by aphilosopher - 3
Allow Chat with all permissions
#144 opened by tobire - 2
Possibility to choose which toggle features are enabled by default.
#146 opened by SharkROAR