- 1
Internal Error
#352 opened by merlinshaw - 8
Remove Lightning effect for OP's
#355 opened by reno911unlocred - 0
Error occurred while enabling VanishNoPacket v3.16
#353 opened by hardwarewizard - 3
MChat Hook
#354 opened by anusman - 1
locked chests
#356 opened - 2
Using the scoreboard system to display vanish status
#359 opened by Darkhand81 - 5
Trapped Chests, Dispensers, Furnaces.
#357 opened by Murabitos - 2
Feature request - Chest actions while vanished
#360 opened by rickoman7 - 2
Tie /v in with Invisibility Potions to toggle see
#361 opened by spydercanopus - 1
Not Invisible = Visible
#363 opened by ZathrasNotTheOne - 1
NPE on InventoryCloseEvent
#362 opened by ams2990 - 1
Pushing mobs
#364 opened - 1
Request - New player translucency for seeing vanished people
#365 opened by deanveloper - 1
You can't toggle that!
#366 opened by Luysita - 3
You can't toggle that!
#367 opened by Luysita - 1
Lightning effect
#368 opened by whitekang - 2
Vanish [on:off]
#369 opened by bizzig - 3
Trapped Chest Support
#370 opened by xDowsey - 2
Dynmap Issues
#371 opened by anusman - 1
- 1
vanished players show up in count of users on server
#373 opened by llamahunter - 1
See Vanished Players On TAB
#374 opened by sirbrando - 3
Does Not Support Opening Trapped-Chests while Vanished
#376 opened by kbryant - 2
/vanish [on:off]
#377 opened by bizzig - 2
vanished players prevent others from sleeping
#378 opened by llamahunter - 1
dynmap integration not complete
#379 opened by llamahunter - 1
Customizing all VNP messages
#380 opened by bitfreeze - 1
Should be invisible to mobs
#375 opened by JoshArgent - 1
Big Problem!
#382 opened by SirMangler - 2
command conflict with towny
#381 opened by anonymarty - 1
Trapped Chests not supported
#383 opened by KODZIO - 2
Dynmap - decrease Playernumber
#384 opened by Androkai - 2
NoClassDefFound - Vault
#385 opened by KODZIO - 1
Can place blocks while vanished
#386 opened by jackklink - 1
nointeract not working / open chest silent 3.17.1
#388 opened by Shoe73 - 1
Fix "You Can't Toggle That"
#389 opened by CreeperFan12346 - 6
Possible new Effect for vanish?
#390 opened by KakusiUgbe - 4
Cant open locked chests Vanish 3.17.2
#391 opened by externo6 - 1
possiblely change or permission addition for player visibility. /list problem.
#392 opened by cyborgkitten - 1
Admin Vanish?
#393 opened by xDowsey - 2
Feature request: notify player when they join vanished
#387 opened by kaitoyuuki - 1
Unable to open chests (silent chests) while vanished on 1.5.2 R0.1
#395 opened by malaeus - 3
Functionality missing - TAB list and stuff
#396 opened by Pilvinen - 6
Teleport ourself when vanished
#397 opened by Babacool123 - 1
Essentials list and and messaging.
#398 opened by Jaded-Avaritia - 1
essentials /baltop
#399 opened by pilotdan1985 - 1
How to disable
#402 opened by heinrichquirit - 4
Disabling all effects
#400 opened by nowakjestem - 2
Vanish and Prism - can not use prism wands while in /vanish
#401 opened by w00lly - 3
/dynmap show/hide no longer working when vanished
#403 opened by saladfingers