- 2
a bug
#154 opened by yang-fu - 1
In modpack SoulsCraft don't worck correctly
#152 opened by andre40000k - 8
[Feature] Renaming interfaces
#153 opened by Xikaro - 4
Can ultra dense cable be ported from GTNewHorizons version of AE2 ?
#169 opened by Manuepolis23 - 2
Issue with patterns
#170 opened by LolBomer - 4
Ctrl + Click [+]
#155 opened by XeramHosting - 0
Fluid Cell partition failing
#156 opened by MadMedicineMan - 0
Issues about auto-pattern making with JEI.
#157 opened by YiRanMushroom - 1
Integration problems with AE2WT
#158 opened by YiRanMushroom - 2
in version v0.54.1, there is a crash with the ae2fc mod
#159 opened by Xikaro - 1
ME Controller colors not synchronized
#162 opened by mcailac - 0
The raw material quantity of me augmented coding terminal cannot be edited
#163 opened by yang-fu - 2
p2p may fail when entering the game, you need to reconnect the cable
#164 opened by yang-fu - 0
In ME Configuration Fluid Interface Terminal, not all Fluid Interface cells are displayed
#165 opened by Xikaro - 1
The mine code replacement function of the me augmented sample terminal is invalid
#167 opened by yang-fu - 1
Add ME Level Maintainer
#168 opened by LordKhaox123 - 5
multi-thread co-processors
#171 opened by YiRanMushroom - 4
Sometimes player cannot take out the items in the ME Drive
#172 opened by FnTlv - 3
The automatic synthesis of the required items is displayed incorrectly, so the synthesis cannot be carried out
#173 opened by FnTlv - 5
Conflict with Custom NPCs (CustomNPCs_1.12.2_05Jul20)
#175 opened by andre40000k - 2
Interface inventory is incorrectly configured
#176 opened by calvissuperman - 5
How can I close the "drag and drop" function, thank you!
#177 opened by IAmNotGEM - 2
AE reports non accessible items in autocrafting simulation while it is clearly in stock and has recipe encoded
#181 opened by Dm5354 - 10
Buggy behaviour trying to take items out of ME Storage Cells
#178 opened by tuca1234567890 - 1
4k Storage Cell is named as 16k Storage Cell in display name
#179 opened by SovereignEternal - 3
Crashes with AE2wtlib
#189 opened by TheAirBlow - 0
Fluid Interface expansion to 9 slots breaks resource packs
#182 opened by peterhaneve - 3
Missing texture on the terminals?
#183 opened by RefotsirkNged - 4
Random ConcurrentModificationException Crashes
#184 opened by 123FLO321 - 3
#185 opened by IAmNotGEM - 1
Oredict template (sample) for all gt materials
#186 opened by nemo48rus - 2
Inventory Tweaks sorting broken
#187 opened by Sandman366 - 0
A pattern terminal scroll bar
#188 opened by YiRanMushroom - 1
Crash when placing cables when NEE 2.0.0
#191 opened by mczph - 1
Enchantable Planes in 1.12
#194 opened by Desempregago - 5
How to actually double/halve the configured item amount in ME Interface?
#195 opened by mycroftjr - 10
Stack sizes over 127 in most AE2 blocks do not display in Multiplayer
#196 opened by mycroftjr - 0
Mod holds open handle to Meteorite Compass data files after world close
#197 opened by brisingraerowing - 1
server crash when attach a storagebus to a chest
#203 opened by KELETU66666 - 0
buckets of fluids are not "found" when using crafting terminal
#199 opened by benvh - 3
items from JEI to ME interface
#200 opened by MorelPlay - 0
Bug with controller and molecular assembler
#201 opened by ShamHyper - 0
GT robot arms and conveyors can sometimes pull items from an interface that has not been configred
#204 opened by yodaman888 - 0
Some issue in MP server
#205 opened by kpstool - 6
[Mod Compat Bug]Crash with tick central
#206 opened by mczph - 3
Machine output consuming an additional copy of AE2 requested items.
#207 opened by Yakobro - 8
ME system randomly losing access to random storage cells
#208 opened by Renno231 - 2
When importing a recipe (example: Empowerer) if the recipe has multiple of the same items it will just import 1
#209 opened by Leclowndu93150 - 1
Replace energy cell texture with old one
#210 opened by No-steve - 7
Crafting Calculation Shows Resource as Missing when it isn't
#211 opened by Renno231