- 4
Problems with wireless crafting terminal
#217 opened by YiRanMushroom - 0
add Wireless interfaces terminal
#229 opened by Xikaro - 0
Sorting Modes in the wireless terminals are not saved
#230 opened by YoungOnionMC - 0
Configure Meteor Crater Size or Blast Angle or Destruction
#219 opened by Slayer5934 - 1
Request for Fake player UUID and username for Annihilation plane
#231 opened by Kinsypoo - 5
Server crashed after player inserted Magnet Card into Wireless Terminal
#224 opened by 200542053 - 1
Add more magnet card mode.
#225 opened by YiRanMushroom - 2
Blue disk light
#226 opened by RuiXuqi - 0
ME smart cable model
#228 opened by RuiXuqi - 2
Better textures for the custom wireless terminals
#232 opened by Anthonity - 2
"me interface" + "crafting card" = no "crafting behavior" tag/button
#233 opened by weoriu - 0
Send a player a server message if there is not enough energy to do an action
#234 opened by BraggestSage833 - 0
Me interface doesnt pull items from system after sometime.
#235 opened by mantikafasi - 4
Mutual subnets(?) cause over-reporting items on world load
#240 opened by tunnels-end - 0
Add an "invert" mode to the interface terminal
#236 opened by osimon8 - 3
ore dict storage bus crush game
#237 opened by CoBa31Rus - 1
Different blockstates for the IO port depending on if it's powered
#238 opened by RuiXuqi - 2
Incorrect behaviour happens when using a storage bus to the drawer controller.
#239 opened by YiRanMushroom - 1
Cell Duplication Glitch with ME IO Port
#244 opened by ByThePowerOfScience - 7
New cell models from v0.54.8+ break the ME Chest rendering into an X-ray
#245 opened by Purple-Towel - 0
ME Controller shows only one color font with Optifine
#247 opened by NSIS-arch - 0
The game crash on loading
#249 opened by zeng-github01 - 0
Conflict with Custom NPCs (ver. CustomNPCs_1.12.2_05Jul20)
#261 opened by andre40000k - 12
Autocrafting items stuck/unable to simulate properly
#250 opened by BlakeTech - 8
Crafting for large items quantity is stuck
#251 opened by HungryDoctor - 2
Stuff getting stuck in ae2 system
#252 opened by y-uz - 1
Game crash on loading
#253 opened by zeng-github01 - 1
AE-Additions mod incompatible
#254 opened by zeng-github01 - 2
Random java.lang.NullPointerException
#255 opened by 123FLO321 - 2
AE2 - PneumaticCraft rendering error?
#257 opened by condoru7991 - 2
Mekanism autocrafting with energy tablets not working
#259 opened by mugeron - 1
Wireless Terminal can't put blanck pattern on it by pressing Shift
#260 opened by zeng-github01 - 0
Storage bus<-> Interfaces are given network ids to track "storages"
#263 opened by BlakeTech - 5
`Server Crash` with `TileEnergyCell`
#264 opened by Coloryr - 0
ME-IO port stacked components cause item or fluid duplication
#265 opened by KasumiNova - 1
this feature idea
#267 opened by Dawsondude2023 - 0
Crafting tree request
#269 opened by EtaCarina - 4
Wireless terminals may not save their internal inventory when in baubles slot
#270 opened by DeadlySprinklez - 0
P2P Tunnel Bugs
#271 opened by Gandalf360one - 0
Option to revert search behavior to legacy ac2 style
#272 opened by ghatus0 - 1
suggestion to add more coprocessors
#279 opened by KiraLinux - 1
Interfacing fluids/items with different systems accounts for each other's priority
#275 opened by jchung01 - 1
Cannot interact with vanilla items in the ME system after viewing their uses in JEI
#276 opened by EtheraelEspeon - 0
Cable texture/quad becomes corrupted after resource reload
#277 opened by embeddedt - 0
Meteor Loottable Config Option
#283 opened by ThePansmith - 1
Meteor Compass Target change
#284 opened by ThePansmith - 0
Add CT/GS API for adding new storage cell tiers
#280 opened by joendter - 0
Add config to disable max types restriction on storage cells
#281 opened by joendter - 1
Crafting terminal texture issue
#282 opened by BagelsModCollection - 2
Smart Dense cables act like smart normal cables. (They only take 8 channels and then stop working.)
#285 opened by GavinFF-SS