- 4
Steam engine crashes server when its chunk is loaded and speeds up
#3651 opened by maham - 0
Game crashes when using a very large glued structure
#3650 opened by koap1 - 2
redstone links not updating
#3649 opened by NicolaiMF - 9
Bearings "Stalling"
#3647 opened by rohbust - 3
Cant Launch Game or Server
#3646 opened by RenewalMC - 8
[1.18.2-0.5.0d] Crash on Launch
#3645 opened by SaltSouls - 3
Recipes are not showing while using JEI (Just enough items)
#3644 opened by Shamankoo - 1
Deployer not milking
#3643 opened by Truthgame - 1
extendo grip button pushing
#3642 opened by IDPLAYER - 7
Schematic Not Printing
#3641 opened by Bluemagelord - 4
Mechanical Bearing placed sideways on Minecart Contraption rotates unexpectedly when contraption is created.
#3640 opened by PeterrificHC - 0
Ability to highlight tracks on a map
#3639 opened by stanlabs - 2
Minecart contraptions inside toolboxes break the toolbox from being able to open
#3638 opened by NoRestWhenWicked - 2
Inaccessible Seat/Bugged Controls on larger trains
#3637 opened by BugReportReporting - 2
Server crashes
#3636 opened by tastystarch - 2
Create mod issue (Fabric)
#3635 opened by Notmiloz - 0
Directionless control rail
#3634 opened by DopplerEx - 0
Visuals are missing
#3633 opened by juanjose21LOL - 0
Natural Scoria missing when updating
#3632 opened by CJStanleyWinter - 0
Mention right-click interaction (to invert output) of Pulse Extender and Pulse Repeater in their ponder scenes
#3631 opened by TheRealWormbo - 1
infinte Blaze Feeding -maybe a bug maybe intended?
#3630 opened by HexRegulus - 0
Trash Compactor/Recycler
#3629 opened by Novastar74 - 1
Windmill shaking back and forth.
#3628 opened by Novastar74 - 1
Server crash when placing Secret room blocks with cannon
#3626 opened by Papaturts - 1
Request: Postal items, mailboxes, mail hooks, stamps, post bags
#3623 opened by caitisgreat - 0
[QoL] When using slabs as rail bedding, use fewer slabs where possible
#3622 opened by Derpford - 0
Use entities for inventory access on contraptions (ex. minecart contraption, train...)
#3618 opened by Alidonis - 2
Create and Create: Steam Powered has failed to load correcly
#3617 opened by enemypixel - 0
half door in a contraption may cause crush.
#3616 opened by Infi-sh - 1
Server Crash with Hose Pulley
#3615 opened by TheDoctor1977 - 1
Machines break when loading game/area
#3614 opened by sleepysalamancer - 0
Crashing Randomly [with Crashlog]
#3613 opened by SugarDaddii - 1
Crushing Wheels and Gantry Carriage didnt work together
#3612 opened by Dyziomel - 1
Create + Chisel and Bits
#3611 opened by Gribble88 - 0
ShulkerBoxTooltip support for Toolboxes
#3610 opened by somebody1234 - 1
BlockCarpentry is incompatible with Create.
#3609 opened by EmeryGamingZ - 0
Default range of chassis should be 1
#3608 opened by Zetabite - 1
Make the steam engine produce steam for other mods
#3607 opened by Endie-157 - 0
Display link - more information
#3606 opened by DefomCode - 0
Crushing deepslate emerald ore may yield cobblestone isntead of cobbled deepslate
#3605 opened by TheRealWormbo - 2
Optifine crashes game
#3604 opened by Heisenberg2008 - 0
bug with chain drive animation and breaking
#3603 opened by BeeMoe5 - 0
Smooth Clockwork Bearing Rotation
#3602 opened by jansheikkinen - 0
Bulk washing an entire stack of crushed ore on a depot has not enough room for outputs
#3601 opened by TheRealWormbo - 6
Cannot assemble train: Missing graph edge
#3600 opened by TylerWDoesStuff - 2
Last step of Ponder on Spout crashes client.
#3599 opened by wiloxe - 3
1.18.2- Crash when placing belts
#3598 opened by Epicjii - 0
Game crash when a chunk with drills is reloaded
#3597 opened by Ratumo - 11
Fluid tank buggs out when attatching a steam engine.
#3596 opened by Thurug96 - 0
Using a linked controller with an item in the off-hand will place the off-hand item
#3595 opened by MarioSMB