- 0
Github action `label-issues` works, but exits with `AggregateError`.
#4551 opened by James103 - 0
Block `create:metal_girder_encased_shaft` is waterlogged by default
#4550 opened by James103 - 0
Can't use a lead to pick up mobs sitting on a seat from Create mod
#4549 opened by James103 - 1
Deployer breaks unbreakable tools when they're used
#4548 opened by James103 - 0
#4547 opened by FrancescoMMX - 0
Ores will not spawn with Biomes O' Plenty. 1.19.2
#4546 opened by TodAufDerFlutch - 3
[1.19.3] Server compatibility with minecolonies
#4545 opened by Ackar77 - 0
Allow Schematic Table to see schematics in sub-folders
#4544 opened by TheAmazingJeh - 11
Game Crashes when Press over Basin Makes Blaze cake
#4543 opened by V3AI-Seven - 1
sequenced assembly impossible
#4542 opened by GabclarexxFR - 0
Copper Backtank crash
#4541 opened by OinkerPoinker - 3
Assembling a Train causes the game to crash
#4540 opened by Gaming-Tr - 2
Server and Client Crash whenever train hits mob
#4538 opened by deSuperNoodle - 0
Transparent Schematic Previews
#4537 opened by Tetraodone - 1
Compat with project vibrant journeys causes errors due to removed blocks
#4536 opened by Neposis - 1
Cannot create a world
#4535 opened by mocksonline - 0
Super Glue Automation Mechanics
#4533 opened by gmorale1 - 3
Version 0.5.0 for Minecraft 1.16.5
#4532 opened by BraveCaperCat2 - 1
trains are not rendered in new chunks when you are on another train
#4530 opened by IshuCute - 2
Mechanical mixer not working in Hardcore World
#4529 opened by MiVanYT - 1
Train Suggestions
#4528 opened by TREGuy365 - 1
Extendo Grip: Prevent hand crank/valve from draining hunger
#4527 opened by EpicBirb - 0
Items dupe on belts when entering and exiting the nether
#4526 opened by Swan-Bee - 0
butchersdelight:hook vanishing
#4525 opened by Spyro1502 - 1
Display Link/Board suggestions.
#4524 opened by TREGuy365 - 0
copper block and oxidised copper block remain as vanilla texture with legacy copper resource pack enabled when Xycraft: installed
#4523 opened by Branjoman - 2
Filters on funnels
#4522 opened by ScienceKit - 1
Vibranium Sight Potion & Charm Not working + Vibranium Sight Potion Recipe Unavailable
#4520 opened by lorosao - 1
fan particles
#4518 opened by glitchplaysgames714 - 4
game crashes when starting up
#4517 opened by cubed-chicken - 0
Modded signs on contraptions does not save it's text when the contraption is placed/reset
#4516 opened by rjames0820 - 0
Interdimensional Train Travel Causes Exception In Server Tick Loop
#4515 opened by CtrlAltSpray - 0
Add support for Mining BetterEnd and BetterNether ores and silk touch other blocks.
#4514 opened by Dekkan - 0
Schematics don't capture static text on displays or nixi tubes
#4513 opened by efunneko - 2
Full Mechanical Crafters drop items on worldload
#4510 opened by DerModster - 1
[BUG] hoppers on deployers
#4509 opened by A00826925 - 2
my mechanical mixer doesnt work
#4508 opened by ilhanlol - 1
#4507 opened by 610610gg - 0
Placard rotating incorrectly with 90° Turns along the Z axis
#4506 opened by UpsideDownFoxxo - 0
Copper Wall
#4505 opened by benluelo - 0
Disconnect before getting into server. 1.18.2
#4504 opened by JakeCarneAsada - 0
Mechanical saw does not cut all logs in a BYG Nightshade tree
#4503 opened by brianfreud - 0
Mechanical press does not smash second copper ingot into plate
#4502 opened by dldelaney - 2
Dyeable windmill
#4501 opened by Wasabivenom - 1
Sweet Berry Harvester
#4500 opened by Wasabivenom - 0
Server crashes on anyone going through one *specific* portal.
#4499 opened by CtrlAltSpray - 0
Encased Fan
#4498 opened by WhiteSkyAngel - 1
#4497 opened by nikismo - 1
Fluid Pipes lose their contents when chunks are unloaded
#4495 opened by deSuperNoodle - 6
cant craft fluid tank
#4494 opened by memetheifv1