- 1
Pressurized conduits not connecting
#3592 opened by wtfaatp - 7
Killer Joe Crashes Server on player attack [1.10.2]
#3593 opened by unlightednetting - 1
Crash with Farm and Terraqueous Trees
#3594 opened by MokahTGS - 2
[Suggestion] Change Config for Killer Joe + Mending to True.
#3595 opened by VT-14 - 18
General BakedQuad Render Improvement
#3600 opened by Speiger - 11
Item Conduit Bug
#3602 opened by dovahkiin4991 - 5
Inventory Panel crash client with JEI
#3603 opened by Bodidl - 3
Green Slime Crystal instead of the Magma Slime Crystal in the Alloy smelter
#3604 opened by marcin212 - 1
SAG Mill Not crushing Ore?
#3605 opened by MokahTGS - 10
#3606 opened by TheRealM18 - 1
Suggestion: Staff of Travelling Internal Battery Config
#3596 opened by jarredr - 1
[1.7.10] Dimensional Transceiver not working
#3597 opened by JFMillerUSA - 1
[1.10.2] Enchanter missing texture after update
#3598 opened by kwpugh - 1
[1.10.2]Enchanter no texture
#3599 opened by Gayanfalor - 1
Feature: Vacuum Chest upgrade
#3616 opened by MatthiasMann - 0
Crash to Desktop - Conduits
#3617 opened by Utildayael - 0
EnderIO Vacuum chest + BlockBreaker
#3618 opened by MistaOmega - 2
The frame can not be rotated after painting
#3608 opened by PeakXing - 10
error while starting minecraft server
#3609 opened by abendplays - 5
Farming Station not validating planting location
#3610 opened by ShadowDrakken - 2
Crash on Server Startup
#3611 opened by awkwaRdcaRRot - 0
Fluid tank bug
#3612 opened by huaji233 - 6
[1.10.2] Telepad Request - Config Option
#3613 opened by praetoras - 4
Unable to craft Inventory Panel Remote (1.10.2-
#3614 opened by xenoflot - 4
EnderIO Conduits & Mekanism
#3615 opened by Utildayael - 1
Crash by building a machine
#3631 opened by Machex - 6
Chisel support doesn't connect to other facades
#3632 opened by Susjin - 1
Suggestion: Ender I/O Remote Awareness Automation
#3633 opened by teamMK - 1
I/O button on all mashines turns screen blue. No crush. Just can't adjust I/O
#3634 opened by seulil - 2
configure io bug
#3635 opened by PandaFrog - 1
Ticking tile entity from Vibrant Solar Panel causes crash
#3636 opened by Zettt - 2
Crashed when looking up with Dark Steel Elytra(Minecraft 1.10.2)
#3637 opened by RiolluWak - 9
Suggestion: Mending working in Killer joe As Default.
#3620 opened by HeavyDeception - 5
RFtools tank monitor plus EIO Vat crashed server
#3621 opened by seulil - 9
[1.10.2] Dimensional Transceiver gui doesn't close on "e" key
#3622 opened by mezz - 1
Reservoir Silk Touch Bug
#3623 opened by ManMan36 - 1
Class Not Found Exception when trying to load Ender IO/Ender Core in dev workspace.
#3624 opened by Quatroctus - 5
Farm doesn't accepts all axes
#3625 opened by TonRZN - 17
Teleport Crash (Nether Portal)
#3626 opened by ShaCraft - 1
Player logs into a void then server crashes
#3627 opened by Renadarain - 2
EnderIO-JEI intergration crush
#3628 opened by seulil - 2
Basic Capacitor Recipe Not Working
#3629 opened - 0
Crashed when looking at insulated redstone conduit(Minecraft 1.10.2)
#3630 opened by KristjanKr - 1
Ender io Crash
#3643 opened by Machex - 8
Inventory Panel Remote not opening GUI
#3644 opened by ShadowDrakken - 3
crashes on startup
#3638 opened by cameronmyer0 - 1
[Suggestion] Addition to the Wireless Charger
#3639 opened by Greg9711 - 0
Rendering error while configuring fluid tank
#3640 opened by vidaj - 1
KillerJoe not work
#3641 opened by bzp2010 - 1
[Bug] Magnet not working anymore
#3642 opened by Greg9711