- 1
Investigate Chococraft incompatability
#169 opened by finalsliver - 0
Change the way blockID conflicts are reported
#170 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Investigate block behaviors in adventure mode
#171 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Cannot place torches on red cobblestone wall
#173 opened by spocane - 1
Update to Minecraft
#174 opened by ScottKillen - 1
ExtrabiomesXL logs in Thermal Expansion Sawmill
#175 opened by zepanv - 6
New Biome idea's and missing config issuse
#177 opened by wolftheninja - 0
Red Rock blocks are allowing light to shine through.
#176 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Add ingredients to ore dictionary
#178 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Reduce decay range of green leaves by 1
#179 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Thermal Expansion integration
#181 opened by ScottKillen - 20
Bamboo Forest mock one
#182 opened by wolftheninja - 1
redwood trees leaf decay
#185 opened by rakuza - 8
Slimes do not spawn in Green Swamplands at night.
#187 opened by Rosethorns - 1
Suggestion: Tarpits for wasteland
#188 opened by TheVale - 1
Add event for log break block
#189 opened by ScottKillen - 40
Polish for existing biomes, changes/additions/updates
#192 opened by Rosethorns - 4
Large Oak trees in Autumn Biomes generate as a Spruce in a Large Oak shape.
#190 opened by Rosethorns - 10
Mystcraft Integration
#191 opened by ScottKillen - 12
Feature: Growing trees
#193 opened by ScottKillen - 4
Possible Modern Winter Integration?
#194 opened by Shavahi - 0
Minecraft 1.4.5 causes compiles error
#195 opened by ScottKillen - 4
Railcraft integration
#196 opened by ScottKillen - 9
Need uses for cattails
#197 opened by ScottKillen - 7
Quicksand should be a liquid
#198 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Tiny Cactus should craft to green dye like cactus
#199 opened by ScottKillen - 3
Just ideas
#200 opened by bkhsk8 - 1
Marsh Biome [1.4.2]
#202 opened by Favorlock - 0
Wall Block is using the wrong texture
#203 opened by ScottKillen - 1
Fir logs seem not to have recipe for Factorization barrels
#204 opened by ScottKillen - 5
Idea for mountain ridge biomes: Special tree
#206 opened by keybounce - 0
When saplings grow in Forestry arboretums,they should place sand blocks
#207 opened by ScottKillen - 2
Underground Features
#208 opened by ImagineBaggins - 2
3.5.0 Forest biome spawning unuseually large number of purple flowers
#210 opened by Rosethorns - 2
3.5.0 Extreme Hills appear to be spawning trees with brown autumn leaves.
#211 opened by Rosethorns - 8
Console command to grow trees
#212 opened by ScottKillen - 14
Recipe issues
#213 opened by AsparagusEduardo - 2
Buildcraft assembly table bug?
#214 opened by AsparagusEduardo - 1
Thaumcrft 3
#215 opened by AnonTheMouse - 5
Possible broken generation
#216 opened by BinaryConstruct - 2
Biome ideas [1.4.5]
#217 opened by LegacyUnlocking - 1
Redwood crafting broken in current Development build (3.5.3)
#218 opened by ScottKillen - 0
Complete refactoring for content add in next release
#219 opened by ScottKillen - 4
EBXL Woods can't be cooked into Charcoal
#221 opened by brknsoul - 5
EBXL Wood planks can't be used to craft IC2 Treetaps
#222 opened by brknsoul - 7
Server crash, due chunk error?
#224 opened by ZH666 - 6
language pt_BR wrong format
#223 opened by Cassiobsk8 - 10
Terrain Control Mod - Integration
#225 opened by MineCrak - 1
Saplings don't work in Fermenter
#226 opened by allaryin - 7
Crash when using ExtraBiomesXL
#227 opened by rbrian