- 1
Add blocks to IC2s terraformer.
#228 opened by ScottKillen - 3
Autumn saplings go into Forestry miner's backpack
#230 opened by blueokapi12 - 2
Corruption of water and lava generation
#229 opened by Vandalite - 1
Witches and More incompatability
#231 opened by Mike-Sinistralis - 4
Terrain generation / world style idea: "Lost world"
#232 opened by keybounce - 5
Future idea: Mystcraft / Terrain Control mixing ...
#234 opened by keybounce - 2
Odd chunk generation again
#236 opened by TobeArcadeus - 1
Already Decorating! Packet Error
#235 opened by LordZZT - 2
Crafting with extra biomes wood types
#237 opened by buzzorth - 2
Idea for a cave world biome ...
#238 opened by keybounce - 3
Pointless Cactus recipe "tree"
#239 opened by HanPrower - 7
RedPower 2 Integration
#241 opened by vQuadX - 1
Crashed With Scarecrow
#242 opened - 5
Fir Log, Fir wood Planks, and other fir products not properly registered in Forge Ore dictionary
#243 opened by alexanderpas - 1
Question / Request Forestry Logger gather Saplings?
#245 opened by AlphaSparqy - 5
BuildCraft world gen changes broke XBXL oil generation
#244 opened by pantheis - 3
is this normal on startup
#248 opened by GnomesStalkChildren - 1
Biome Frequency Control
#250 opened by TobeArcadeus - 2
Leaf Decay options.
#251 opened by Kasdar - 4
BC 3.4.3 + EBXL 3.9.0 = World generation fails.
#252 opened by Xavura - 7
Sapling drop rates should be configurable
#254 opened by NightKev - 27
Lack of IC2 rubber trees?
#257 opened by christate - 2
Redrock to clay
#255 opened by soundlogic2236 - 8
BC 3.4.3 Facade
#259 opened by zepanv - 1
Crashes due to "Already Decorating"!
#260 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 2
Oceans Biome Update
#261 opened by redwaller66 - 5
new Nether biome suggestions
#265 opened by Iareninja - 1
Iron ore not spawning.
#266 opened by Saphira124574 - 4
just wondering
#267 opened by bkhsk8 - 2
Mod Distribution Request
#264 opened by GrahamCampbell - 21
Re-vamping of old biomes
#268 opened by bkhsk8 - 1
Invisible Logs
#272 opened by chubbybasterd - 1
Forestry 1.5.1 Beta API Issues?
#271 opened by StoneLegion - 1
Forestry Integration Error?
#273 opened by mibby - 10
IC2 API Change
#276 opened by Error998 - 2
Power Crystal's MineFactory AND ExtraBiomesXL
#279 opened by Cilicou - 16
Better Village Generation
#281 opened by jimcarreer - 2
Update IC2 api
#282 opened by Adaptivity - 5
ItemStack Wildcard changed in 1.5 from -1 to Short.MAX_VALUE
#283 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Help installing
#287 opened by DanielPHenry - 3
2 ic2 incompat errors -Latest ic2 (curr 331_lf )
#288 opened by Midaychi - 7
Biome Ideas
#285 opened by Lorthremar - 4
Underground Ideas
#289 opened by McGarnicle - 3
Update default biomes
#293 opened by JLBShecky - 3
White dye
#296 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Add new trees
#294 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Console/chat commands
#295 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Move Treecapacator support to the modules
#297 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Self planting saplings
#298 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Log turner isn't able to show rotations for quarterlog3
#299 opened by JLBShecky