- 1
No drawing preview animation when using occulus/rubidium
#259 opened by Eko450-eng - 3
Fabric versions of Hex Casting + Farmer's Delight causes datapack error
#253 opened by GameGuruGreenGryphon - 1
Identity Purification evaluating both 1 and 0 to NULL
#254 opened by Petrify - 3
Game Crashes as I start to draw with the wand
#255 opened by xxKiller3000xx - 7
Greater Teleport Failing To Teleport
#256 opened by Theovore - 0
[Bug] Csasting range measured from feet
#257 opened by Talia-12 - 0
Make ambit inclusive
#258 opened by Aresiel - 0
[Minor bug] Spectating players can interact with spellbooks
#263 opened by anna-s-h - 0
[bug] Lack spell circle mishap doesn't respect curse of binding
#264 opened by tynberry - 3
[Suggestion] Using Comparators on Impetuses
#260 opened by Theovore - 2
[Suggestion] Configurable Mind-flaying
#261 opened by anna-s-h - 1
Confusing nomenclature: spells vs hexes
#262 opened by object-Object - 2
[suggestion] Vector Rotate
#265 opened by yrsegal - 1
[suggestion] "Scry" pattern: remote observation
#266 opened by gedeknepper - 2
[suggestion] New pattern: wait
#267 opened by gedeknepper - 1
[Suggestion] Add option to disable giving players the guidebook on launch
#268 opened by choombdev - 2
[1.0 Preview] Players & Monsters are missing support for findDataHolder()
#278 opened by KirinDave - 3
[1.0 Preview] Chronicler's Gambit Stack Size Mismatch
#277 opened by KirinDave - 4
Crash when trying to draw hexes on Fabric/Quilt?
#276 opened by gamma-delta - 0
Gravitational Purification doesn't work
#269 opened by yrsegal - 1
Colorizers do not work on multiplayer servers; work inconsistently in singleplayer
#270 opened by RedRaspberry - 2
Gemini's Gambit can be used to crash servers & kick clients
#271 opened by RedRaspberry - 3
[Spell Suggestion] Transfer Experience
#272 opened by RedRaspberry - 2
Hexcasting not generating config.
#274 opened by qwerty121123 - 1
[AOF5] Client crashes when attempting to cast with staff
#275 opened by KyleTheScientist - 2
Prospecter's Gambit should be spelled Prospector's Gambit
#300 opened by object-Object - 1
Chronicler's Gambit is called Chronicler's Prfn. in the book, and its description overflows slightly at the bottom
#299 opened by object-Object - 0
Chronicler's Gambit doesn't mishap when trying to write to a sealed focus or empty item frame
#301 opened by object-Object - 1
The new stack display makes it hard to see the patterns
#302 opened by Aurailus - 2
Erase Item can no longer erase slates
#303 opened by object-Object - 1
[1.19.2] Hex trying to pull particles serverside, causing crash upon load
#304 opened by SleepyEmber - 0
Minor typo in Hex Notebook's lore section
#306 opened by RealArcanePhysics - 4
Crash when creating a new world on Fabric 1.19
#307 opened by Ryminer2 - 9
New pattern rendering code is painfully slow in bulk
#280 opened by yrsegal - 3
Lists don't wrap their render when nested
#281 opened by yrsegal - 4
[1.0 Preview] spells (despite making noise) are not detected by skulk sensors
#279 opened by CesiumHorizon - 1
[Feature Request] Ability to define custom staff items
#282 opened by RedRaspberry - 1
Not Enough Iotas Mishap pushes NULL rather than Garbage [1.0] [Bug]
#283 opened by Talia-12 - 0
Logical patterns have incorrect returns in Patchouli [1.0] [Bug]
#285 opened by Talia-12 - 3
Augur's Exaltation description incorrect [1.0] [Bug]
#284 opened by Talia-12 - 2
Attempting to load ParticleEngine on DedicatedServer on Forge [1.0] [Bug]
#286 opened by Talia-12 - 2
Need localisation for booleans [1.0] [Bug]
#287 opened by Talia-12 - 1
Existance of -0 while using Thoth's Gambit (Likely Bug)
#289 opened by Tinator500 - 4
Cooler Write is able to write True Names
#288 opened by yrsegal - 1
Amethyst dust on scrolls still has the old behavior docs in Patchouli
#290 opened by gamma-delta - 2
Proposed stack operations for 1.0
#291 opened by gchpaco - 2
Foci written to by Chronicler's Gambit don't update their display until picked up
#292 opened by gamma-delta - 4
Iota Operations [Suggestion] [1.0]
#293 opened by Talia-12 - 0
Pattern tooltips aren't rendering the background
#294 opened by gamma-delta - 1
[Potential Bug] Some actions don't execute when bloodcasting using a pre-made series of patterns
#297 opened by booleancoercion