- 4
[BUG] villager momentum is not reset after flay mind or /hexcasting:brainsweep
#202 opened by cylian914 - 0
Scrying Lens doesn't show the "power" of powered rails
#201 opened by yrsegal - 2
I crash when I try to edify a sapling
#203 opened by WisdomNaps - 1
Experiencing a crash when logging into world.
#204 opened by WisdomNaps - 0
Ancient Scrolls missing
#205 opened by Clancythecat - 0
Greater Sentinel is documented wrong
#206 opened by yrsegal - 3
Hex casting spells are able to break unbreakable waystones
#207 opened by kuba26038 - 13
Flay Mind doesn't work
#208 opened by Vixemy - 1
trinket infusion bug
#221 opened by leafyleaf447 - 1
[Spell Suggestion] Hex Hand
#222 opened by 12foo - 1
guide book descriptions unreadable at lower GUI scales
#223 opened by dunhamjl - 3
Crash with using Oak Staff
#209 opened by Papaturts - 0
Phials Missing From Creative Tab
#210 opened by ChloeDawn - 0
Path Dot On Wall Scroll Not Interpolated
#211 opened by ChloeDawn - 2
[Suggestion] Pride Banner Patterns
#212 opened by ChloeDawn - 0
[Pre-0.9.2] Thoth Execution Depth Mishap Leads to Uncaught Exception
#213 opened by gattsuru - 1
[suggestion ] Allow using phials in trinket slots
#214 opened by kindlus - 1
[Bug] On Fabric, inserting amethyst into an impetus with Create always acts like a full stack was inserted
#215 opened by object-Object - 0
Destroy Water should probably be called Destroy Liquid
#216 opened by yrsegal - 2
[BUG] [bleeding-edge-builds] Can't change page in spellbook
#217 opened by Stevebutnottoomanypeoplehaveit - 1
Game panics upon trying to create a world (Quilt/Fabric)
#219 opened by SuperKnux - 2
[Feature Request] Spells That Create VFX
#218 opened by RyanUnicorn - 3
Mind Flay and Trading
#220 opened by thedeerirty - 3
[Suggestion] Flay Mind support on any LivingEntity
#237 opened by vertexcubed - 1
[SUGGESTION] Spawn book
#238 opened by phorced - 2
[Spell suggestion] Morph entity
#224 opened by tynberry - 1
Add connected texture for scrolls
#225 opened by leafyleaf447 - 1
Add more staff types and support copying scrolls via crafting
#226 opened by CoolDemon96 - 2
[Bug] Place Block won't take blocks from the offhand, and won't place anything if there's a block in the offhand
#227 opened by object-Object - 1
Sticky Teleport issues
#228 opened by yrsegal - 1
[Bug] Place Block duplicates block NBT data
#229 opened by object-Object - 1
Scout's Distillation ignoring intervening blocks should be properly documented
#230 opened by yrsegal - 1
Attempting to write to an already written akashic bookshelf gives no indication that the write has failed
#231 opened by beholderface - 2
[Suggestion] Add config to disable give book when player first join
#233 opened by elementsplayer - 5
[Crash] Game fails to load when using latest version of Hex
#234 opened by krallendertoten - 2
Latest version crashing
#235 opened by phorced - 3
[Crash] Hex crashing on startup even on the newest version
#236 opened by krallendertoten - 5
[Suggestion] Floating hexes
#246 opened by ronondex2009 - 0
Swindler's still claims to cost media in the book
#239 opened by yrsegal - 0
[BUG] Raycasts can load arbitrary chunks
#240 opened by Talia-12 - 6
Somehow set internal pigment to air
#241 opened by GameGuruGreenGryphon - 1
[Request] Hex Bug Mob
#242 opened by PhantomEnderium - 2
Critical dupe with Create
#243 opened by Vervixer - 3
[Suggestion] Pattern for try/catch
#244 opened by Robotgiggle - 2
Crash involving FPS Reducer
#245 opened by Jor-Bore - 1
[Suggestion] Fisherman's Gambit with a negative index buries the top element
#247 opened by brianide - 1
Sentinel doing a funny dance with view bobbing
#248 opened by GameGuruGreenGryphon - 0
[Suggestion] Expand Ignite Block's functionality
#249 opened by GameGuruGreenGryphon - 2
[Suggestion] Expand Impulse's functionality
#250 opened by GameGuruGreenGryphon - 0
[Suggestion] Scroll names include the pattern contained within
#252 opened by yrsegal