- 2
[Suggestion] Toolbox Tool Additions
#5359 opened by voidsong-dragonfly - 1
Floodlight does not get signal from redstone wire connector while under scaffolding
#5361 opened by Tchastik - 0
[1.19] Toolbox's bundle tooltip is empty in multiplayer
#5352 opened by Zahkriiven - 9
Tinker Tank Duplication with Immersive Engineering
#5355 opened by SheReyy - 8
Wires not transferring power
#5357 opened by LittleMC - 2
[Suggestion] Allow Tightening of Steel/Hemp rope
#5390 opened by Holli-Git - 2
[1.18.2] IE Buzzsaw Treecapitaties DynamicTrees Trees
#5388 opened by voidsong-dragonfly - 2
[1.19] Heavy plated shield is rotated 90ยบ when blocking with the offhand.
#5387 opened by Zahkriiven - 1
[1.18.2 Excavator does not remain loaded]
#5389 opened by wizcj3 - 1
[1.19] Placing a tool in the workbench or trying to sleep while holding the tool crashes
#5363 opened by Zahkriiven - 5
[1.18.2] Missing Wire Mold recipes
#5365 opened by TwistedGate - 1
Unknown Issue, told it has to do with immersive engineering
#5364 opened by NilfontNyarlathotep - 3
Chemical Thrower causes players to disconnect.
#5366 opened by NotDracon - 0
[Suggestion] Allow more tools in toolbox tool slots
#5367 opened by Random832 - 0
Inventory label is in the wrong spot on some guis [at least toolbox, engineer's workbench, item router]
#5368 opened by Random832 - 0
Floodlight doesn't disappear when breaking
#5370 opened by SivartMcDorf - 1
Gunsmith Villager no longer sells revolver parts with special stats
#5371 opened by NotDracon - 1
[Suggestion] Coke Oven must be in the Engineer's Manual.
#5369 opened by baranelitez - 1
[1.19] Sprinting over a feedthrough block crashes the game
#5372 opened by RRyyas - 1
[1.19] Assembler fluid meter overflows the GUI
#5373 opened by Zahkriiven - 0
1.18.2 Server Crash when Wires Burnt?
#5374 opened by getBoolean - 3
freezing for a couple seconds after pressing shift over an item in an invenotry
#5375 opened by EnderMelody - 0
[API][Suggestion] Move MultiblockTrigger to API
#5376 opened by TwistedGate - 0
Configurable Mineral Vein Radius
#5377 opened by Ictoan42 - 4
[1.19] Steel fences invisible in Crusher manual entry
#5378 opened by RRyyas - 1
[1.19] Blast furnace's item model not being transformed properly
#5380 opened by Zahkriiven - 3
[Suggestion] Configurable projectile speed/accuracy
#5381 opened by MrHazMat - 1
[1.18+] Redstone acid recipe in Assembler produces buckets from just redstone and water
#5382 opened by RRyyas - 0
[Suggestion] Survey Tool sending information into Chat instead of Status Message.
#5383 opened by TwistedGate - 4
1.18.2 Client crash: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: blusunrize/immersiveengineering/api/tool/conveyor/ClientConveyors
#5385 opened by bmwalter68 - 2
[Suggestion] Add oil configuration to mod config
#5386 opened by MiniRaptor - 2
[1.18.2] Sawblade have silk touch effect on leaves when chopping a tree
#5412 opened by Zahkriiven - 5
Golems dropping shaders.
#5413 opened by Panikking - 1
Crash with the fluid tank.
#5391 opened by wardmatt1 - 5
Decorative Shaders Not Working On Certain Items in 1.18.2 Modpack
#5392 opened by NotDracon - 3
1.18.2 Windmill sails disappear when loading a world
#5393 opened by PaulerLeOne - 1
Server crashing after adding immersive engineering
#5395 opened by zygerr - 0
[1.18] Steel and aluminium wallmounts only crafts for 1
#5398 opened by Zahkriiven - 0
[Suggestion] Make the assemblers tanks only accept one fluid type per tank.
#5397 opened by Zahkriiven - 0
Crusher acceleration does not match description
#5399 opened by lcy0x1 - 2
JEI Compat disappears when reloading with changed recipes
#5400 opened by lcy0x1 - 0
[1.19] Fluids doesn't show after chunk reload until updated
#5405 opened by Zahkriiven - 2
Not able to use method setEnabled() with Diesel Generator in CC: Tweaked (ComputerCraft)
#5402 opened by pespinho - 1
[1.19] Railgun scope extreme zoom level
#5406 opened by RRyyas - 1
[Suggestion] config for railgun damage multiplier
#5414 opened by Snakich - 2
No such class com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.event.type.CTCommandRegisterEvent
#5407 opened by Hxrlio - 0
[1.18.2] Concrete solidification is displaced
#5408 opened by Zahkriiven - 4
Assembler multiblock causing large client-side freeze when loaded in from an unloaded chunk
#5409 opened by kylerhenry - 1
Compat module for crafttweaker could not be preInitialized
#5410 opened by Chaos02 - 0
Missing null check in nullable isLadder
#5411 opened by Raycoms