- 0
Stripped Rubber Wood doesn't extract
#1986 opened by Katorone - 1
Stripped Rubber Wood doesn't extract
#1987 opened by Katorone - 0
Upgrades for Storage Units
#1988 opened by Katorone - 0
Granite (tiny) dust has no uses
#1993 opened by Katorone - 1
Manganese (tiny) dust has no uses
#1992 opened by Katorone - 0
Phosporous (tiny) dust has no uses
#1994 opened by Katorone - 0
Andesite (tiny) dust has no uses
#1995 opened by Katorone - 0
Diorite (tiny) dust has no uses
#1996 opened by Katorone - 1
Rubber sappling crash
#1989 opened by ponoyoshi - 11
Wiki Completion
#2002 opened by milkev - 1
Crash with TechReborn and REI
#2003 opened by Trnrr - 1
Fractional values are incorrect after 10M value
#2006 opened by nasrally - 0
Iron and Advanced drills do not discarge
#2007 opened by nasrally - 0
(small pile of) sawdust has no uses
#1997 opened by Katorone - 0
Olivine (tiny) dust has no uses
#1998 opened by Katorone - 0
Liquid carbon fiber has no uses
#1999 opened by Katorone - 0
Quantum Armor Functions Config
#2011 opened by milkev - 0
Use nether quartz to make silicon and carbon cells to make steel
#2012 opened by WrongWeekend - 1
Most TR tools can be used to extract sap from rubber trees.
#2013 opened by Katorone - 2
QoL Enchantments for electric treetaps
#2014 opened by Katorone - 6
Unable to apply Unbreaking via the Anvil
#2016 opened by LuminaSapphira - 2
Lapotronic Orbpack put in AESU charging will gone when u leave for a while
#2018 opened by jimahy7687 - 1
TechReborn-1.15-3.3.0+build.158 will crash when play awhile online
#2019 opened by jimahy7687 - 5
When I into the auto crafting table will crash
#2020 opened by jimahy7687 - 1
Auto Crafting Table places facing wrong way (or sides are confused)
#2021 opened by joncooke - 1
(electrical) treetap doesn't tap.
#2022 opened by Katorone - 2
LESU's capacity is limited by 2.2GE and 4293 storage blocks.
#2024 opened by nasrally - 2
Tech reborn + Flymod = Client failure to load
#2025 opened by AltimusX - 1
Allow the use of End Crystals in the Implosion Compressor
#2027 opened by Katorone - 2
[MC 1.15.2 - TechReborn 3.3.3+build.182] Possible Blocks Conflict
#2031 opened by Dragonsissiy - 1
game crash
#2032 opened by vancologne - 0
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property class_2746{name=covered, clazz=class java.lang.Boolean, values=[true, false]} as it does not exist in Block{techreborn:low_voltage_su}
#2033 opened by PullAndRun - 0
[1.15.2] Assembly Machine not registered as Working Station
#2034 opened by justastranger - 2
1.15.x Add Tech Reborn ores to the vanilla blast furnace.
#2037 opened by RainbowTabitha - 0
Industrial Electrolyzer won't auto-input stacks smaller than recipe input stack
#2040 opened by justastranger - 1
Server Crash when discovering new chunks with Stockpile
#2041 opened by RainbowTabitha - 6
Industrial Grinder missing recipe in REI GUI
#2042 opened by ahkui - 0
[1.15.2]Omni-tool doesn't have correct damage
#2043 opened by LegendLZD - 12
Lots of useless dusts
#2046 opened by justastranger - 5
Missing tags on items
#2047 opened by justastranger - 0
Flint can't use grinder to make flint dust
#2044 opened by ahkui - 2
The items not showing on the crafting list. I see the names but not the icon.
#2045 opened by walkeraguilar - 9
Can't get power from BatBox/MFE after updating
#2048 opened by viveleroi - 2
Crash With Tech Reborn Auto Crafter
#2050 opened by RainbowTabitha - 0
Vacuum Freezer crashes the client
#2055 opened by vtleavs - 0
Crash when wrenching storage unit
#2057 opened by Jodo42 - 1
[1.12.2]The Blast Furnace will not heat up
#2056 opened by EnterFor - 1
Transferring end ores generation to overworld ores does not work !
#2060 opened by MrLador - 4
Auto Crafting Table eats transmutation stones
#2061 opened by coderbot16 - 0
[1.15/Fabric] OreGen / WorldGen configuration files
#2062 opened by Linguardium