![HT's TreeChop](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/859/0/256/256/638264552121174340.png)
- 2
First chop textures are sometimes incorrect
#157 opened by hammertater - 3
Transparent trunk
#158 opened by tapioca178 - 2
[1.18.2] Crash with Dynamic Trees
#159 opened by itsdinkd - 2
Locked Options
#160 opened by Just597 - 2
Crash with Project MMO
#162 opened by NerdyViking - 1
Update from 0.16.3 to 0.17.3b results in clientside crashes when an old half chopped block is loaded
#166 opened by abovearth - 3
[1.18.2] Stuck during world generation process with latest mod version
#163 opened by SirZokxyron - 2
[1.18.2] Issue with Jade Plugin
#164 opened by SirZokxyron - 0
[1.18.2] WTHIT plugin not working
#165 opened by hammertater - 2
Unable to add branch and log slabs to config
#169 opened by megaratboy96 - 4
Tesselating Block Model bug
#170 opened by Xerses707 - 2
CoreProtect plugins cannot log trees block that are cut down quickly
#171 opened by KiWinger - 3
Textures appear black when Smooth Lighting is off
#167 opened by StockiesLad - 3
Blocks flicker when chopped
#168 opened by JackiTacki - 1
Tetra compat
#172 opened by hammertater - 1
Optifine - chopped logs are unlit
#173 opened by hammertater - 2
Cultural Delights compat
#174 opened by hammertater - 7
[Crash] [Fabric] [1.19.2] - Client crashed on server
#175 opened by xR4YM0ND - 1
[Forge 1.18.2] Regions Unexplored branches become non-transparent when chopped
#176 opened by squoshi - 4
Crash in Nether
#177 opened by Zarepheth - 2
Immersive Weathering compat
#178 opened by hammertater - 4
Unnecessarily high FPS impact
#181 opened by someaddons - 0
Silent Gear compat
#179 opened by hammertater - 2
Render Bug: Crash after chopping trees
#180 opened by HySand - 2
Crashed when trying to break giant bioshroom from Regions Unexplored
#182 opened by B-Wither - 4
`NoClassDefFoundError: ht/treechop/common/chop/ChopUtil`
#183 opened by SettingDust - 1
Ghost Blocks - breaking Mangrove Roots with bear hand - Fabric 1.19.2
#184 opened by xR4YM0ND - 1
Working on singleplayer, but not on a server
#185 opened by BigKirbyPuf - 2
Crash when break tree :(
#187 opened by SquareBall789 - 1
BYG Nightshade/Imbued Nightshade (Compat)
#188 opened by arzadu - 8
HT's TreeChop Mod doesnt work
#189 opened by Mosby17 - 0
Pam's Harvestcraft 2 floating fruit
#190 opened by hammertater - 0
Allow patterns in config block lists
#191 opened by hammertater - 2
doesnt boot, latest treechop version, 1.19.4
#192 opened by Spincial - 5
Chopping trees no just destroys the block and doesnt drop any logs
#193 opened by ClarkeIsaac520 - 2
Chop Texture Bugs With Moded Woods
#194 opened by Blunder-G - 2
Totally incorrect work with BOP mystic big tree
#195 opened by KostromDan - 4
TreeChop works in creative, but will revert back to vanilla chopping in survival.
#196 opened by hhut100 - 4
No chopping happening
#197 opened by HijackHornet - 2
[Feature Request] Hephaestus Support
#198 opened by Aproxia-dev - 5
When is the release for 1.19.4?
#199 opened by Jewrey - 5
Mod shows error in Jade mod
#200 opened by Cape-City - 1
1.19.4 Release Today?
#201 opened by NeverGio - 0
[Bug] Common config regenerates with every startup on Fabric 1.18.2
#202 opened by Aproxia-dev - 2
can't add treechop to modpack
#203 opened by isnotabelle - 6
Crash on Minecraft 1.19.4 with Quilt
#204 opened by ParodyVerse - 3
Games crashing idk man
#205 opened by AltoidDev - 4
Player Missing Chop Settings
#206 opened by PhunghisKhan - 3
Tropicraft leaves don't break
#207 opened by WenXin20 - 0
wair how to delete issue
#208 opened