- 1
openblocks tank cannot be crafted inside the ME crafting terminal
#789 opened by Janda2304 - 1
Using arcane ansorcellator for enchanted book doesn't want to go in a dischantment generator
#788 opened by Felix201b - 1
/dank/null/ stuck in a ME system
#786 opened by Janda2304 - 0
Infinite ingot exploit fairly early game
#785 opened by AndrewEllen - 1
Jei display wrong recip for Infused Wood from
#784 opened by andrelec1 - 1
Enchanter Ender IO and Silk Touch Book
#783 opened by ClaudeHebert29 - 3
Server Crash Whenever I Login
#782 opened by KingFishQiu - 2
Extra Utilities 2 CTMills invaild when language set to zh_cn
#781 opened by jaosnye1012 - 1
Server Crash in Eden (Possibly caused by structure generation overload)
#780 opened by KingFishQiu - 1
Ender IO Enchanter Cannot Differentiate Between Tinker's Construct Modifiers
#779 opened by NickZumb - 2
Can't get into main menu due to "fatal recipe error"
#778 opened by noel357 - 2
Crash because of dark iron recipes
#777 opened by Raider180 - 1
Crash on Startup due to Ender IO Fatal Recipe Error
#776 opened by Squidsty - 1
player join server stuck
#775 opened by hhhfsj - 0
Smeltery recipe for Block of Enderpearl
#774 opened by bommerhondjes14 - 3
Enriching Factory recipe removed for Quartz Ore (bug?)
#769 opened by noel357 - 8
End Dimension doesn't work
#768 opened by DemangelM - 3
rendering Item Crash when joining world / server
#767 opened by 0brine - 2
Enchanter : Decay
#766 opened by andrelec1 - 0
Liquid Witchraft & Ectoplasm can't be crafted !
#763 opened by andrelec1 - 0
Unremovable and multiplying Crafting Formula in ME System
#759 opened by noel357 - 2
Crash to main menu after requesting autocrafted item
#758 opened by noel357 - 2
IE wires sometimes don't destroyed when breaking the connector first
#755 opened by rapturemain - 8
"A fatal error has occured" crash after i launch my world in solo
#754 opened by GrosDino - 12
when viewing some recipes, an error flies and crashes from the server
#753 opened by bozna - 4
Server crashes
#752 opened by ddimavo - 1
cant craft immersive engineering vacuum tube
#751 opened by seba5258 - 6
AE2 Glass Cable Texture Glitching
#750 opened by MagnesiumSail - 1
Update the "How to automate Essentia" guide in the "THIS IS ESSENTIAL" quest (quest #1707, chapter 21)
#748 opened by KleinGrrmpf - 0
Make laser invisibility modifier cheaper/buff current recipe
#747 opened by InfernalGrumbler - 2
Very Simple Dupe Glitch with Ender Utilities Handy Bag
#746 opened by Campionnn - 1
Sun crystals can't be picked up while in liquid sunshine
#745 opened by winco0811 - 8
2.16.0 server consistently crashing within 2 hours
#744 opened by JCDT37 - 3
Drawer upgrades Dupe Glitch on Multiplayer
#743 opened by Xyilia - 3
Improve way of making energy
#742 opened by MrReps - 1
[Mod Req] Integrated NBT
#738 opened by Preta-Crowz - 0
Add a note to the Unbreakable Wand Quest (Chapter 13, Quest #499)
#737 opened by KleinGrrmpf - 3
Charging a world keep reverse to peacefull
#735 opened by MrReps - 2
Enchantment Reallocator can move some enchant that can't applied on target item
#734 opened by Preta-Crowz - 0
Questbook should note that there are Radiant Beacons in the Apalachia Dungeons
#733 opened by KleinGrrmpf - 4
Renamed vis crystals not accepted by Distillery
#732 opened by HardeQ - 2
Adding AIOT Botania to the modpack
#731 opened by Revemohl - 0
Activating an Inactive Ender Core doesn't have to take place in the end anymore
#730 opened by KleinGrrmpf - 0
Remove and Hide Unlit Mega Torch as it has no recipe
#729 opened by KleinGrrmpf - 7
The compressed package has an error
#727 opened by luzeas - 1
Replace "Tartaric Forge" with Alchemy Tables as the Hellfire Forge is already mentioned
#726 opened by KleinGrrmpf - 1
Remove/Edit the note about Aerogel in "You're hot then you're cold" (Chapter 8, Quest #1095)
#725 opened by KleinGrrmpf - 0
Remove and Hide the BiblioCraft Desk Bell from JEI as it is unobtainable
#724 opened by KleinGrrmpf - 1
Remove and Hide the "Requious Frakto" items from JEI as they are admin tools for recipe creation and have no recipe
#723 opened by KleinGrrmpf - 0
Sulfur ore is not exist but laser drill config has.
#721 opened by Preta-Crowz