- 4
Reduce price volatility caused by bait listings
#1562 opened by Fylwind - 1
Request: tooltip prices for other realms if scanned
#1561 opened by Jahfry - 2
Level 8 battle pets are ignored by the 'Selling' tab
#1560 opened by Actionhotdog - 0
LUA when clickding Shopping tab
#1559 opened by Anabella00geek - 3
Searching and Scanning causes latency and crashes of WoW client.
#1558 opened by bertiojones - 1
Incorrect Alchemy Crafting Cost
#1557 opened by almercie - 1
Full Scan Stuck at %90
#1556 opened by Accural64 - 1
Undercut scan error
#1555 opened by madevelascom - 2
Most options missing, Selling greyed-out
#1554 opened by Zerogeist - 3
Commodities not bought at the displayed price
#1553 opened by nicolasbraun - 4
Auction sold system message.
#1552 opened by trebunner - 0
Feature request: add swap button or quick set buttons to stack quantity and size fields on selling tab
#1551 opened by Endrexxigg - 3
Lost entire price history and Addon refuses to save price history, i can only see the "today" price whenever i click on history.
#1550 opened by Gramrock - 7
Auctionator locks up WoW after a scan
#1549 opened by rodalpho - 0
Remove historical data for an item
#1548 opened by spicalous - 11
Cata Classic - script ran too long
#1547 opened by theoriginalmre - 1
Font customization
#1546 opened by thinkong - 3
Remove item price
#1545 opened by my92925 - 3
Reagent search broken
#1544 opened by hollo6 - 1
Feature request: Support info requests by whisper
#1543 opened by marcodifresco - 0
Feature request: account wide tracking
#1542 opened by LanaYoobee - 0
Feature request: failures * deposit price greater than proposed sell price warning
#1541 opened by LanaYoobee - 1
JC - Placing Auctions issue
#1540 opened by Medysis - 0
Sell first item
#1539 opened by Sooleawa - 0
Feature request - shopping list options
#1538 opened by LanaYoobee - 5
[retail prepatch]
#1537 opened by Demonbrent - 0
Errors when using enchanting table in Valdrakken
#1536 opened by Cynor8 - 1
Relic Coffer Key
#1535 opened by romadurr - 0
Feature request: Maximum selling price for item quality
#1534 opened by LanaYoobee - 0
Auctionator throwing errors while browsing market on wow cataclysm
#1533 opened by lecamihai - 5
Addon is not working in a different server
#1530 opened by abgonzalez93 - 9
Improper Search results
#1529 opened by sauljaffe - 1
MoneyFrame.lua:579 Error
#1528 opened by evilgodly - 4
could u please update for WLK at China Service
#1527 opened by Anveena - 0
[Cata Classic] Settings, database and Search shopping lists have been reset after last update
#1526 opened by Pocokk - 1
Lua error MoneyFrame.lua
#1525 opened by weitrem - 4
Annoying persistent LUA errors
#1523 opened by Ooshga - 2
Cata Classic - MoneyFrame.lua:579
#1522 opened by evilgodly - 2
Selling tab - items dimmed, when selected don't fill auction
#1521 opened by jtimberman - 3
he dont run full scan
#1520 opened by cyxallina - 1
bug full scan
#1519 opened by cyxallina - 1
Mininmum starting bid REQUIRED
#1518 opened by j1mshady - 2
auctionator wanting to sell equipped items
#1517 opened by amey1956 - 1
Adding option to default check 'current expansion only'
#1516 opened by BuurmanDeBuurman - 2
Search doesn't show all results
#1515 opened by LukeSR - 0
[Cata Classic] Overflow error on Saved Variables file
#1514 opened by theoriginalmre - 1
lua error in Constants.lua:66
#1513 opened by fireymerlin - 3
[Cata classic] All data has been reset after yesterday's update
#1512 opened by prokn4h - 5
Add Favorites doesn't work in 10.2.40
#1511 opened by reussered - 3
Vanishing Powder not listed
#1510 opened by reussered