- 8
Keybinds are not obvious now after DF
#319 opened by mbattersby - 11
Emblem counts in WOTLK
#320 opened by sam-k-taylor - 2
#234 opened by blecaplol - 2
CAUSE LAG by fast switching bank tab
#228 opened by MorningMistS - 32
Battle pet tooltip overlapping with other tooltip attachments
#231 opened by tflo - 5
Lua Error on Classic upon PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
#233 opened by Sakatard - 22
Cross-realm characters/Battle-net account characters not working
#240 opened by Caliban77 - 5
Lag when mouseover items
#236 opened by mohcow - 6
Enhancement/Issue: Units must be selected by default to
#237 opened by Jdaddy0007 - 12
[Ru][Wrath] Don't update items in inventory.
#244 opened by kanodiry - 4
Request: allow for a whitelist behavior to just track X items
#252 opened by jsromero98 - 5
Moving item from guild bank to reagent bag doesn't update tooltip
#245 opened by b-morgan - 7
Enhancement request, option to display which guild bank tab
#246 opened by b-morgan - 1
BagSync Debug window (title) can be moved off-screen
#247 opened by b-morgan - 1
Request: See Gold Across Characters by Hovering Over Backpack Gold
#249 opened by Zaef - 5
Item count not updating when using reagents from Reagent Bank
#250 opened by chilisaucier - 4
Enable ExternalTooltip to flash on the AuctionUI(Except for battlepet)
#259 opened by MorningMistS - 21
Update koKR Please
#262 opened by next96 - 2
Request: Exclude Trader's Tender
#254 opened by temporicide4 - 16
Scan tooltips issues (mail) with pet tooltips
#255 opened by tflo - 3
Some currency shows characters with 0 of that currency
#269 opened by Slackluster - 64
Item not found in search, but correctly listed in tooltip count
#263 opened by tflo - 7
Enchancement request: configurable font for BagSync tooltip information
#267 opened by johndp977 - 8
Bug (or enhancement?): currency tracking doesn't display in external tooltip w/ option selected, nor can be turned off
#268 opened by johndp977 - 13
Explanation of pet breed, for potential use in extended search commands
#271 opened by tflo - 17
Tooltip no longer shows data from all guilds.
#291 opened by AvellaTheInsane - 24
`[*XR]` label in front of same-faction guild on connected realm (in tooltip count)
#277 opened by tflo - 21
Tooltip Wrong Calculation for Total Amount of items
#280 opened by Meisterzockerr - 30
same guild across multiple connected servers
#285 opened by JimGiordano2 - 8
ItemTypes / Expansion missing loc ?
#286 opened by KatyPurry - 3
BagSync and Elvui bag item border
#287 opened by phoenix0217 - 7
#295 opened by JimGiordano2 - 1
Saved searches are overlapping in the Saved Search field
#296 opened by tflo - 3
Gold Details
#297 opened by Zaef - 6
Lua error when hovering over guilds in the Sort Order module
#293 opened by Slackluster - 1
Error when font outline of external tooltip is set to 'None'
#294 opened by tflo - 1
Travers tender tooltip is missing
#299 opened by martinboy1974 - 13
Type search for caged pets?
#304 opened by tflo - 3
Lua pattern matching in search intentional?
#301 opened by tflo - 4
Equipped items show in wrong quality
#302 opened by AlterMannomann - 3
Minimap button left click selection
#307 opened by zhpzhp - 15
LUA error on PTR
#308 opened by sausje - 29
LUA error constantly
#309 opened by Xpatro - 3
Request: on Tooltip, Add ICON-ID please?
#310 opened by Xpatro - 7
Tooltip trigger "useContainterItem"
#311 opened by Xpatro - 3
Integer overflow error
#312 opened by mbattersby - 19
Guild Gold disappears on exit client
#314 opened by jsutan - 3
"Amount" enhancement
#315 opened by Rolfeg - 1
BagSync' tried to call the protected function 'Frame:SetPassThroughButtons()
#317 opened by lucifa42 - 3
Error after hearth
#318 opened by ArmilTex