World of Warcraft
13,253 Mods
Conjured Announcer
22.6k DownloadsAnnounce when Fish Feast, Great Feast, Soul Portal, Refreshment Portal, Scrapbot is created by any of the party/raid members.
LFR [of the past]
22.5k DownloadsA little addon to display locations of npc to get access to older lfr instances and track there encounter status.
Instance Auto Marker
22.3k DownloadsAutomatically sets markers on chosen Npcs while in instance
Serenity Now
22.2k DownloadsPiece of mind by being one with your class.
Astral Analytics
22.2k DownloadsDungeon & Raid tracking and raid leading helper addon
Incoming Heals
22.2k DownloadsIncoming Heals
Healing Groups Sucks Continued
22.1k DownloadsHealing Groups Sucks Continued
22k DownloadsInterrupt manager for guild Lords of Ironhearts of Arathor EU.
21.8k DownloadsMythicPlusDrop
Skada Raid RNG
21.6k DownloadsCritical and Multistrike damage recording integration for skada.
21.6k Downloadsadds navigation buttons to Encounter Journal
Van32's CombatMusic
21.4k DownloadsAn easy to use addon that is designed to play music while in combat.
What's Up
21.2k DownloadsMonitors the availability of certain class cooldowns of the raid party (Soulstone, Innervate, Rebirth)
21k DownloadsA simple range indicator for optimizing Halo damage.
21k DownloadsChecks if all raid members have flask, food and rune buffs. Highly customizable. Compatible with 6.1.
Ivona's Interrupt Informer
20.4k DownloadsIvona's Interrupt Informer - Announces spell interrupts
20.3k DownloadsOptimize your gameplay
20.1k Downloads3rd party module for BigWigs that replicates the auto reply functionality found in Deadly Boss Mods.
Weekly World Bosses
20k DownloadsShows which world bosses your toon has already done for the week.
DBM Voicepack Vulpera by WoweePaw
20k DownloadsVulpera/Fox-ish Voicepack for Deadly Boss Mods