World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Top Parses on Boss Tooltip
4.8k DownloadsTop Parses on Boss Tooltip shows the top parses for every class (or only yours) on the boss' tooltip
KeyBooster 2.0
4.8k DownloadsWhispered Keystones from LFG Applicants now appear in the LFG Window
Premake Groups Helper
4.8k DownloadsCustomizable enhancements for LFG premake Groups tools.
For Azeroth! - esMX
4.8k DownloadsPlays the Varians yell "For Azeroth" from the Legion trailer
For the Alliance! - deDE
4.8k DownloadsPlays the Anduins yell "Für die Allianz!" from the BFA trailer
4.8k DownloadsRaid tool for tracking players performance during encounters
For Azeroth! - itIT
4.8k DownloadsPlays the Varians yell "Per Azeroth!" from the Legion trailer
FS Cooldowns2
4.8k DownloadsRaid cooldowns tracker
Lazy Boss Preparation
4.7k DownloadsLBP reminds you to set the right spec, talents, glyphs and macros for this zone/boss
Group Finder Filter
4.7k DownloadsAllows you to filter the Dungeons & Raids group finder
4.6k DownloadsAdds the DKPcost of an item to the tooltip... With requests I can add different formulas.
DBM - Ashen Sound Pack
4.6k DownloadsDBM Sound pack
For Azeroth! - ptBR
4.6k DownloadsNotes - enUS: Plays the Varians yell "Por Azeroth!" from the Legion trailer
Mouseover Raid Icons
4.6k DownloadsAdds keybinds to assign a raid icon to your mouseover target
4.6k DownloadsAn addon to remember and show if mobs are immune to crowd control.
For the Horde! - itIT
4.5k DownloadsPlays the Silvanas yell "Per l'Orda!" from the BFA trailer.
LFR Call to arms CTA
4.5k DownloadsFind an LFR Call to arms / CTA while playing
Consequence - Four Horsemen
4.5k DownloadsBoss Rotation helping addon if you have issues with four horsemen in Naxxramas
4.5k DownloadsThis is a sound pack for Skyline Sof Raid Mods.
4.5k DownloadsCountdown with the voice of a man from Quebec