- 2
Request: Make all frames movable with the arrow keys
#20 opened by Nillx - 0
LFG Eye support
#1 opened by teelolws - 2
Separate Micro Menu from Backpack
#2 opened by teelolws - 1
Resizing support
#3 opened by teelolws - 5
Save/Restore settings based on selected Edit Mode profile
#4 opened by teelolws - 4
Toggle to Hide a frame
#5 opened by teelolws - 4
Merge SLMicroMenu addon on this one?
#9 opened by dhaern - 3
Target Cast Bar
#10 opened by teelolws - 2
More UI elements to add
#11 opened by dhaern - 0
Frames in the .xml need to be converted to .lua for library compatibility
#12 opened by teelolws - 2
Pet Frame missing
#13 opened by IskrenTs - 1
Achievement popup
#14 opened by teelolws - 4
Request: Show frame only during mouseover
#16 opened by teelolws - 0
Do more error checking on the Reset button
#17 opened by teelolws - 1
Add Bonus Roll Window
#18 opened by teelolws - 5
Achievement Frame Right of Center
#19 opened by pollixx - 2
Request: 2 rows of 4 vertical groups with raid frames and 0 gap spacing option
#40 opened by james5272 - 4
Consecration timer not showing up underneath portrait as Protection Paladin
#42 opened by james5272 - 1
Request: Make Visablity Options for Action Bar 1 available
#41 opened by Tr4p - 6
Minimap Button Bag interaction
#43 opened by Harmonster - 2
When in Edit Mode the target castbar frame seems to be different from the actual castbar
#45 opened by PhenomDevel - 1
Position of target castbar not properly working
#44 opened by PhenomDevel - 2
Request: Add the ability to resize TalkingHeadFrame
#46 opened by Dmeister406 - 3
Add TargetOfTarget frame to movable frames
#21 opened by PhenomDevel - 0
Pin LFG Button to minimap
#23 opened by teelolws - 2
Achievements Missing?
#24 opened by alpineboi20 - 3
Windowed mode resize issue
#25 opened by teelolws - 6
Addon Keeps Trying To Set The Position Of The Pet Frame During Combat
#29 opened by lotsoftoons - 1
Soul Shard Position is reset when TotemFrame updates
#26 opened by PhenomDevel - 3
Soul Shard position changes once you leave edit mode
#27 opened by PhenomDevel - 5
Soul Shard is always bottom left when checkbox is disabled
#30 opened by PhenomDevel - 2
New update problems
#31 opened by nawindie - 0
Focus Cast Bar resetting after a /reload
#32 opened by teelolws - 1
Sometimes getting addon blocked error using action bars
#33 opened by teelolws - 1
Minimap icon sometimes reappears
#34 opened by teelolws - 0
Plan for expanding library to work on existing edit mode frames
#35 opened by teelolws - 8
Request: CompactRaidFrameManager
#36 opened by Revnn - 0
Soul Shard Bar
#37 opened by Snuuzy - 5
Bug: With settings?
#38 opened by nancikennedy - 4
Defect: Bartender4 compatiblity issues
#39 opened by nancikennedy - 1
Request : add top of screen information to move
#47 opened by Hermonii - 1
Target Cast Bar
#48 opened by 3xtrem